Sky Full Of Worlds Myth in P'Ache | World Anvil

Sky Full Of Worlds

The Story

When the Great Spirit first came across the planet of Vellikka, they could not understand why the planet was lonely. The Great Spirit points out that they are surrounded by friends. The planet didn't understand.   So, the Great Spirit pointed at the stars. The Great Spirit said that each light in the sky was a star, and each star was surrounded by planets, some of them just like Vellikka.   But the planet did not feel connected to these other worlds. They wanted the comfort of closeness.   The Great Spirit thought about this for a long time.   The Great Spirit knew that some of those worlds had lives on them, that the Great Spirit had put there to look after the planet. All planets needed looking after, but not all lives were good at looking after their planet. They had seen angry planets, scared planets and planets that were in love. Some planets worked with their lives, and others fought against them, but none of them were lonely.   The Great Spirit explained all of this to the planet of Vellikka, and asked if they were sure they wanted lives. The planet was keen to have company so close.   So the Great Spirit gave the planet lives, and left some spirits behind as well.   But the Great Spirit gave the planet a warning, that there was a sky full of worlds out there, and not all of them got along with their lives, but that was not the fault of the planet.


No one knows who wrote this story, and it's not clear why this isn't part of the Where The Spirits Come From, but it was likely created afterwards, as it elaborates on it.   There's an interesting awareness of lives on other planets, which is beyond the technological advancements of the Vellich. It seems clear that some of this understanding of the ways in which stars and planets relate to each other, and the idea that there is life on other worlds, likely come from what has been left behind by the Jakunguh.   This story also goes a long way towards explaining the respect that the Vellich have for their planet, and how it forms the Vellich World View. This appreciation for the planet and wanting a harmonious relationship is fundamental to the Vellich.   The presence of the Great Spirit in this story isn't an inherent threat, but there is a healthy amount of fear and respect for the Great Spirit by Vellich. As an entity which gave them life, it makes sense that it could also take it away, and so love for the planet may have both of these emotions entwined in it too, according to this story.

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Culture Vellich Profession Paths, Vellich World View, Place of Spirits
Traditions Path Choosing, Spirit Speaking
Locations Vellikka
Species Vellikkian, Jakunguh
Stories Where The Spirits Come From, The Great Flood, Return of the Great Spirit
Date of First Recording
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Jan 12, 2024 19:18

Really interesting :) It's kinda sad that Vellich felt so alone. Hopefully they get along with their people.

Jan 12, 2024 19:22 by Elspeth

Thank you! Yes, it is sad, but it's how the Vellich people explain their need to look after their planet, and they do get along. :)

Jan 18, 2024 15:19 by Lilliana Casper

I like this story, it's very short but the message comes across. I'm glad it seems like the Vellich take care of their planet to keep it from being lonely.

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.
Jan 21, 2024 19:14 by Elspeth

Thank you! Yes, they do take good care of it. It's a big part of who they are. :) No one wants a lonely planet.

Jan 19, 2024 17:48

This is a really interesting story and leaves you wanting to hear more about the beliefs and myths of the people!

Jan 21, 2024 19:15 by Elspeth

Thank you so much! I'm glad it left you wanting to read more. :) Hope you're having a good 2024 so far.