Relyk Material in P'Ache | World Anvil

Relyk (Reh-leek)


Material Characteristics

Relyk is extracted from Enialer, a red and blue species of seaweed which is found in the deeper areas of Laykan Bay. Relyk is a compound which travels inside the veins of the seaweed giving the plant life and vitamins. It's a purple ooze which is somewhat sticky in consistency.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Relyk contains several enriched vitamins. Once it's been extracted from the plant, it becomes gooey and slightly sticky.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Relyk can be used as an instant fire-starter, but is more commonly used as a nutritional supplement and an ingredient in many popular dishes in the south east of Vellikka around the Laykan Bay, including Adnaloy, a traditional dish from Kolesta  Relyk is used to give dishes a sweet and salty taste, and is strong enough in flavour to be used sparingly and make a major difference to a meal.

Cultural Significance and Usage

It plays a large part in the preparation of Adnaloy, which is a dish from Kolesta, traditionally eaten as part of the ceremony for new Gatherers.


In order to extract Relyk from Enialer, first you have to gather the seaweed itself which can only be found in the deepest parts of Laykan Bay. These areas are dangerous to reach due to the myriad of creatures who call these undersea trenches home, and collecting the Enialer involves taming the seaweed long enough to avoid being caught on the poisonous spikes the plant uses to capture its prey and the hypnotic flowers in its centre.    Once the Enialer fronds have been collected and successfully brought back to the surface, the leaves are cut open and bled into bowls over a fire. It's important that these leaves are heated while the relyk is extracted for two reasons; firstly to ensure as much is extracted as possible, and secondly to ensure that the material is sterile. Any dirt or bacteria which enters the relyk at this point can cause the substance to become toxic.
Sweet and salty


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