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Princess Brazess Erleth

Princess Brazess Erleth

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her chosen form is that of a Firbolg, like her mother Mia'rora. She has an athletic figure, with toned strong muscle definition. Unlike her siblings, Brazess chooses to let some of her more Draconic features be present in her humanoid form, letting her tail fade into scales as it gets further away from her body, as well as having her sculpted ram like horns, instead of the antlers Mia'rora's family have.   In her draconic form she appears as a large Bronze and Gold Dragon, her features being taken more from her Bronze heritage than her Gold, like the rest of her siblings. Though her scale colouring tends to a dark bronze colour, that shines gold in the light. And instead of the natural shaped horns, Brazess' top horns are sculpted into Ram like horns.

Special abilities

  • Shapeshifting
  • Dragonsbreath
  • Darkvision
  • Immense Strength
  • Vast Intelligence
  • Rudimentary Spellcasting

Apparel & Accessories

Brazess has never enjoyed the gowns or dresses of her Mother and Sister, instead preferring shirts and trousers, though that doesn't stop her enjoying the fine luxuries of wealth. Her undershirts made of fine, soft silk, aiding in comfort when wearing her armour.   Whilst she doesn't necessarily require wearing any armour for protection, Brazess prefers to out of a stylistic choice, and as an homage to the people who trained her to fight, her brother Vrakdorium and sister Wanda, who did have to wear armour, as well as her mother Mia'rora. The armour she does wear is a dark leather, with a Dragon Scale chainmail shirt that her mother Mifeath wore when she was an adventurer in Erendoc.

Specialized Equipment

Brazess uses two short swords, named Yolina (Draconic for Home) and Fretalist (Draconic for Forebearer), they are masterfully forged by the royal Polantian weaponsmith, and each is forged from a metal found in honour of her mothers.   Yolina is made from Dragonsteel, infused with the breath weapon of the Mifeath, infusing the Blade with icy properties. The blade itself is a dark blue steel, with a thin layer of frost continuously set from the tip of the blade, regardless of the temperature around it.   Fretalist is forged from Damascus Cespalt, a pink metal found near the Violet forest of Erendoc, it is enchanted to allow its wielder to heal its allies, as well as entangle them in a binding of the Red Ribbons of Ilmater. The blades pink hue shimmers a deep, rich purple in the light.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Brazess presents herself as feminine, like her siblings, as a Dragon she can take any form she wishes




As a Polantian Princess, Brazess received the finest education available, like all her siblings; though she never really took to academia, she developed a great love for History, especially Draconic history, and would spend hours reading and re-reading the Ventractconian Tome, in the possession and protection of her mother Mia'rora. Because of this love, a vast majority of her early adventures where delving into ancient ruins as an assistant to the archaeologist, Henry Jones, an old ally of her mother Mia.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Unlike her siblings, Brazess found a deep connection with the God Ilmater, much like her mother Mia'rora, and whilst she isn't trained as a Cleric or Paladin of Ilmater, she carries his holy symbol with her. The princess follows the tenants and idles of Ilmater, but wouldn't be classed as completely devout, she will pray at least once a week, or after a day where she could feel Ilmater guiding or protecting her.

Social Aptitude

Brazess is a very charismatic person, she knows the best way to get someone to do something for her is using charm, a skill she definitely picked up from her sisters Bonney and Eva. She is a highly skilled fighter, and knows it, often viewed as cocky in the way she fights, quipping and taunting her opponents throughout.   In her youth the young Dragon was often quite lazy, but as she grew older, and started to train alongside Ased, she quickly decided that the adventurer life was for her, at least for now. Though she'd never admit it, the Princess does enjoy the lavish lifestyle of a royal Princess when she is at home in Yario, though the social graces and pleasantries when dealing with Lords and Ladies is something she's never enjoyed.   Brazess is also an extreme fidgeter, bouncing her legs when sitting, swaying side to side during a conversation, or even clicking her fingers absently whilst reading. She can't sit still.


She speaks with a very common tone, nothing too posh, at least in her everyday life, gaining a lot of her accent from her brother Vrak and sister Bonney; in the rare circumstance that she is at a royal engagement, she adopts a more well spoken voice, something instilled in her by her mothers. The young Dragon has also taken to swearing like a sailor, something her mothers aren't particularly fond of, but accept as part of the Dragon growing up.     The Dragon siblings all use a certain greeting and farewell amongst themselves, and their family and close friends. In greeting they say, "la frora morg ze hirg laran" meaning "My heart warms at your presence" in Draconic, and in farewell say "filaer gol vaharan zis" meaning "Stay safe beloved kin" in Draconic.


Princess Brazess Erleth


Towards Prince Ased Erleth


Prince Ased Erleth


Towards Princess Brazess Erleth


Nicknames & Petnames

Ased to Brazess - Braz, Zess
Brazess to Ased - Ass, Ed, Mini Vrak

Princess Brazess Erleth


Towards Queen Akonth Erleth, Queen of Polantia


Queen Akonth Erleth, Queen of Polantia


Towards Princess Brazess Erleth


Princess Brazess Erleth

Foster Sister

Towards Evangeline Longstem


Evangeline Longstem

Foster Sister

Towards Princess Brazess Erleth


Current Status
To adventure across Oxdara and help those in need.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
January 21st 4e143 / Corine 21st 184 BDR
Year of Birth
184 BDR 467 Years old
Worzavur Volcano, heralded by the eruption of the volcano as the four baby Dragons fly out the top.
Prince Ased Erleth (Brother)
Evangeline Longstem (Foster Sister)
Dark Gold with flecks of Brown
Short and Wavy Obsidian Black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bluish gray
Known Languages
Draconic, Erendocian, Rularian, Venkan, Elvish, Sylvan, Dwarvish


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