Captain Crack Character in Oxdara | World Anvil
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Captain Crack

Captain Crack (a.k.a. The Constuct Captain)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Vary rare for a construct, Crack found himself devoted to Umberlee, Goddess of the sea, and gained abilities granted to him by the Goddess. Crack has a mastery of water, being able to control water around him, and, again rare for a construct, is able to swim - normally constructs sink to the bottom of whatever body of water they enter, by Crack is able to choose whether he wants to swim or sink.   Like all constructs Crack doenst need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe. Instead of sleeping he enters into a rest state but still conscious - Crack has used this ability to maintain navigation of the Claymore, his ship, during the night. He has become so intune with his own ship that he can steer it, without it being extrenous enough to break him from his rest mode.

Apparel & Accessories

Crack wears a long duster coat, made of a deep blue leather on the main body, with stormy grey leather on the arms. The coat as padded elements around the shoulders and back of the torso, acting as leather armour. Aside from the coat Crack wears no clothes, but does wear a large wide brimmed hat, emblazoned with crests representing his brothers, a chefs knife, the seal of the Polantian Sheriffs, and a blacksmiths anvil.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When his brothers started to move on to their own lives and jobs, Crack found his way aboard a trade vessel, working as a member of the crew to gain some money, eventually earning enough to buy his own ship, the Claymore.    Crack chose the life of a sailor because for whatever reason he was given sentience and in that sentience he found a want to see the world. The natural beauty of the world not lost on him, like it might be with other constructs, he wants to see as much as he can and has spent many years sailing all across it, from Venka to Erendoc.

Gender Identity

As a construct, Crack's gender identity came form the people he found himself around during is first few months of sentience. Crack found himself around group of brothers who found him wandering the streets of Yario, they took him in and treated him like a brother. Overtime the group found themselves entering different lives, one became a Sheriff, one a blacksmith, one a chef and Crack found his way aboard a trade ship.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
9th Castor
Year of Birth
243 DR 40 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by an unknown inventor in Polantia, found wandering the streets around 6 months after awakening
Yario, Polantia
Deep Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Wooden plating over his arms and legs, with dark gray metal over his torso
350 lbs
Umberlee, Goddess of the Sea