Rank Physical / Metaphysical Law in Out-Worlders | World Anvil
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Level-Up, Baby

  A rank refers to a hierarchical scale used to classify individuals based on their proficiency and mastery of magical abilities. In this system, individuals progress through different ranks via practical use of abilities and meditations, each denoting an increase in magical power and skill. As individuals ascend the ranks, their physical bodies gradually undergo a transformation, becoming infused with magic to varying degrees.  


  The concept of rank is prevalent in both the Adventurer Society and Magic Society. where magic plays a significant role, serving as a measure of an individual's magical prowess and potential. The scale consists of five distinct ranks, with each rank representing a significant milestone in a practitioner's magical journey. With each subsequent increase in rank, and individual's aura becomes more prevalent and domineering, the individual's life expectancy increases dramatically, and the physical necessities of mortality substantially decrease.  


Iron Rank
  Iron Rank is the starting point for aspiring essence users, representing the beginning of their journey into the arcane arts. Individuals at this rank possess a basic understanding of magic but have yet to fully harness its power, or even awaken all of their abilities. Their physical bodies remain largely unaffected by magic, retaining their original form and composition, with the exception of needing basic nutrition to survive. Sources of ambient or concentrated magic can sustain an Iron ranker indefinitely.  
Bronze Rank
  Bronze Rank marks a significant advancement in magical ability, as practitioners gain a deeper understanding of magical principles and techniques. At this stage, all of an essence user's abilities have been awakened. Upon reaching Bronze rank, the individual's aura is now capable of being manipulated, though at a rudimentary level, and no longer requires the need to breathe.  
Silver Rank
  Silver Rank signifies a high level of proficiency in magic, with individuals capable of manipulating magical energies with precision, and facing the vast majority of the world's dangers alone. Those at this rank experience further physical transformation, with their bodies no longer requiring sleep. Autopsies of deceased Silver rankers reveals that the brain has been removed, furthering the belief that consciousness exists at the soul-level.  
Gold Rank
  Gold Rank represents peerless mastery in the arcane arts, with practitioners possessing formidable magical abilities and knowledge. At this stage, individuals undergo a significant transformation, with their physical bodies becoming increasingly intertwined with magic. All notable organs are no longer present within the body. While still capable of bleeding, the body is now a vessel of magic energy, and can only loosely be defined as a physical construct.  
Diamond Rank
  Diamond Rank is the pinnacle of magical achievement, attained only by a select few who have reached the zenith of their magical potential. Those at this rank are among the most powerful essence users in existence, capable of wielding vast amounts of magical energy with ease. At this stage, practitioners undergo a profound metamorphosis, with their physical bodies transcending mortal limitations and becoming almost entirely comprised of magic. Those that reach Diamond rank are closer in relation to gods than mortals. As there are so few in existence, rumors run rampant about their capabilities.  


  Magical Rank serves as a framework for assessing and categorizing individuals based on their magical abilities and accomplishments. It provides a clear path for practitioners to chart their progress and set goals for further development. Additionally, it helps the Adventurer Society and Magic Society identify individuals with the necessary skills and expertise for various roles and responsibilities within the magical community.
"There is only one thing that is absolute in this world: power."
-Sylas Ravenwood (Silver Rank)

Rank Percentiles



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