Aura Spell in Out-Worlders | World Anvil
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Magical Fingerprint

  An aura is the immaterial projection surrounding an essence user that can uniquely identify its owner. Every living creature can and does project an aura. Depending on the rank and magical capabilities of the projector, the aura may vary drastically. Very few auras have any physical, or visual manifestation. This phenomenon plays a significant role in the study and practice of magic, with various applications ranging from identification to manipulation and analysis. It is commonly reffered to as a magical "sixth-sense".  


  The concept of magical auras are most prevalent in the Magic Society where magic is practiced, serving as a fundamental aspect of magical theory and understanding. While the Adventurer Society use auras solely as a method of identification. It is believed that every sentient being possesses a magical aura, although its presence and intensity may vary depending on the individual's innate magical potential and proficiency.  


  Each magical aura is unique to the individual, reflecting their personality, emotions, and magical abilities. Like a fingerprint, no two magical auras are exactly alike, making them invaluable for identification and recognition purposes.  
  While magical auras are invisible to the naked eye, they can be perceived and detected through various magical means, such as enchanted devices, perception abilities, and aura projection. Practitioners with advanced magical abilities may also develop the skill to sense and perceive magical auras intuitively, giving insight into a subject's magical potential.  
  A magical aura remains relatively stable over time, reflecting the individual's core personality and magical affinity. However, external factors such as emotional states, magical exertion, and significant life events may cause fluctuations in the aura's intensity and appearance.  


  One of the primary uses of magical auras is for identification purposes. Practitioners skilled in aura detection can discern the unique signature of an individual's aura and use it to identify them, even across great distances or through physical barriers.  
  Magical auras can also be used for authentication and verification purposes. In magical societies and institutions, individuals may be required to present their magical aura as proof of identity when accessing restricted areas or when participating in certain magical tasks.  
  Essence users with advanced skills in aura manipulation can use magical auras to track the movements and activities of individuals. By imprinting a magical signature onto an object, they can establish a magical connection that allows them to monitor its location and status. These methods are easily removed by overwriting the imprinted aura. An example of aura tracking that is used is the Adventurer Society's identification cards given to each adventurer.  

An adventurer's I.D. (information redacted to preserve identity)
  Magical auras provide valuable insights into a subject's magical abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. By analyzing the composition and characteristics of an aura, practitioners can gain a deeper understanding of their subject's magical power and proficiency. Due to the valuable insight that can be gained from an unguarded aura, training one's ability to manipulate their aura is a necessity when expecting confrontation.  

Manipulation Techniques

Aura Reading
  Aura reading is a skill that involves perceiving and interpreting the magical auras of individuals. Essence users trained in aura reading can discern information about a person or creature's emotions, intentions, and magical abilities by analyzing the colors, patterns, and fluctuations of their aura.  
Aura Concealment and Shielding
  All aura-wielders possess the ability to conceal or manipulate their own magical aura to some degree, making it difficult for others to detect or influence them. This technique is often employed by essence users with stealth abilities and individuals seeking to maintain anonymity or evade detection. A lesser degree of aura concealment is a necessity for higher rank essence users, as the presence of their auras can be overwhelming and make lower rank users physically sick. If the rank disparity between the projector and the unshielded victim is high, these symptoms can be severe enough to the point of debilitation.  
Aura Imprinting
  Aura imprinting involves transferring a portion of one's own magical aura onto an object, imbuing it with a magical signature or establishing a magical connection that can be tracked. This technique is commonly used for sealed communication, security measures for high-valued objects, and craftsmanship purposes.  

Variation with Magical Rank

  The strength, complexity, and versatility of a practitioner's magical aura are often correlated with their rank and proficiency in magic.  
  • Iron Rank: Practitioners at lower ranks may have relatively weak or undeveloped magical auras, making them less discernible and less potent in magical applications.
  • Diamond Rank: Individuals at higher ranks possess powerful and refined magical auras, capable of exerting significant influence and performing intricate magical feats. Their auras may radiate with intense energy that can be felt from vast distances and exhibit a wide range of spectacular colors and patterns.
  • Conclusion

      Magical Aura plays a vital role in the study and practice of magic, serving as a unique identifier and a window into the inner workings of the magical self. Through careful observation, analysis, and manipulation of magical auras, practitioners can unlock the secrets of the arcane and harness its power for various purposes, ranging from identification and authentication to tracking and analysis.
    "Get a grip of your aura! You're upsetting the children!"
    -Overheard on the streets of Highgarde, a wife to her husband


    Magical, Intangible
    Magical Identification