Magic Society Organization in Out-Worlders | World Anvil
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Magic Society

Inventors of Innovation

  The Magic Society is a prestigious international organization dedicated to the governance, regulation, and advancement of magical practices across the realms. Established as a response to the growing need for a centralized authority to oversee the use of magic, the Magic Society has since evolved into a venerable institution with considerable influence in both mundane and mystical affairs.  


  The origins of the Magic Society can be traced back to the very first magic rituals, where magic was both revered and feared for its potent and unpredictable nature. In its infancy, the Magic Society was comprised of tribal and nomadic sages, each sharing their created rituals with one another by means of necessity. As practitioners of the arcane arts proliferated and the boundaries between the mundane and magical worlds blurred, concerns arose regarding the potential loss of importnat knowledge, magical misuse, and stolen accreditations.   In response to these concerns, a coalition of scholars, ritualists, and essence users from diverse backgrounds came together to establish the centralized Magic Society. Their goal was to create a framework for the responsible use of magic, to foster collaboration and cooperation among practitioners, and to promote the advancement of magical knowledge and understanding.  

Structure and Governance

  The Magic Society operates as a hierarchical organization, with headquarters located in major population centers and hubs of arcane learning across the realms. At the highest level sits the Council of Sages, composed of the most esteemed and accomplished magical minds from each realm, who serve as the governing body of the Society. Unlike the High Council of the Adventurer Society, the rank of Council of Sages members are not considered. Members who have been internally recognized as being the foremost expert in a given field of study are elevated to a council position.   Beneath the Council of Sages are various departments and committees tasked with specific areas of study, including essence research, composition and review of magical laws, education and training, providing specific rituals, documentation of magical creatures, and archival of magical knowledge.  

Functions and Responsibilities

Creation of Magical Laws:
One of the first concerns and current primary functions of the Magic Society is the creation of laws and regulations pertaining to the use of magic. These laws govern everything from the proper conduct of spellcasting to the handling of magical artifacts, and are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of both practitioners and the general populace. Enforcement of these laws are outside the perview of the Magic Society and is handled by the Adventurer Society.  
Essences and Magical Research:
The Magic Society is dedicated to the advancement of magical knowledge and understanding through rigorous research and experimentation. Its members collaborate on projects ranging from the development of new spells and enchantments to the study of magical phenomena and the exploration of otherworldly dimensions. As the core tenent of the Magic Society, documentation and archival of magical knowledge is its primary function. Its vast libraries and archives contain centuries worth of manuscripts, grimoires, and scrolls, preserving the wisdom of generations of its members for future study and reference. More recently, however, members are engrossed in understanding and studying the use, formation, and potential of essences. Through tedious and meticulous research, the Magic Society have created a publicly available document detailing the potential powers that can be gained when absorbing a particular essence. This document also entails blacklisted essences such as those pertaining to plague, poison, death, The Nine Hells and The Astral.  
Documentation and Study of Magical Creatures:
Alongside research of essences, the documentation and study of magical creatures is paramount. Any information that may aid the common man when encountering a magical creature is worth its weight in gold. In this effort, the Society's scholars and researchers travel far and wide, cataloging and studying the diverse fauna of the magical realms, from the ethereal astral wraiths and benign constructs to the fearsome and deadly demon lords. These observational insights regarding all magical creatures is public record and is widely distributed across Theos.  
Provision of Specific Ritual Magic and Spells:
The Magic Society provides a wide range of rituals, spells, and enchantments to its members, adventurers, and the general public. While free to its members, most of these magical services are restricted by rank to adventurers, and for a fee to the general public, with few exceptions. These include essence absorption, healing spells, and familiar summoning rituals, tailored to specific needs and situations.  
Education and Training:
In conjuction with the Adventurer Society, the Magic Society has begun a movement of education and training of aspiring essence users, providing guidance, mentorship, and resources to help them develop their magical abilities in a safe and responsible manner. Its newly constructed academies and schools of magic offer a comprehensive curriculum covering everything from basic spellcasting to advanced arcane theory. Currently, only four such academies are fully staffed, located in each of the capital cities (Highgarde, Bazzarun, Fyreign, and Deus).  

Code of Conduct

  Members of the Magic Society are bound by a strict code of conduct that governs their behavior and interactions with magic and non-magical beings or items alike. This code, known as the Sage's Code, emphasizes principles of responsibility, integrity, and respect for the sanctity of life and free will, while preserving the innate curiousity of its members. As the primary goal of the Society is to advance global understanding of magic, and to explore the boundaries of what is possible, this code of conduct is not rigorously enforced.   However, blatant violations of the Sage's Code may result in disciplinary action, ranging from warnings and fines to suspension of privileges or expulsion from the Society. Repeat offenders or those guilty of serious offenses may face more severe consequences, including imprisonment or banishment from magical circles altogether.  

Legacy and Influence

  Throughout its long and illustrious history, the Magic Society has played a pivotal role in shaping the course of magical development and civilization in the realms. Its members have been at the forefront of groundbreaking discoveries, magical innovation, and pivotal moments in history, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of reality itself.   Today, the Magic Society remains a group dedicated to wisdom, knowledge, and enlightenment in a world where magic and mystery abound. Its halls echo with the whispers of ancient spells and forgotten incantations, while its members continue to push the boundaries of what is possible through the power of magic and imagination.
"Get between me and my books again, and I will rip you in half even if you're diamond rank!"
-Samantha Conley, Ritual Magic Scholar


19 offices, 4 academies
Governing body:
Council composed of experts (varying number)


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