Adventurer Society Organization in Out-Worlders | World Anvil
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Adventurer Society

Duty-Bound to Glory

  The Adventurer Society is an international organization dedicated to governing and regulating the activities of adventurers across the realms. Established centuries ago in response to the growing need for a centralized authority to manage the burgeoning population of daring individuals seeking fame, fortune, and glory through quests and expeditions, the Adventurer Society has since evolved into a formidable institution with far-reaching influence.  


  The origins of the Adventurer Society can be traced back to the tumultuous times before the Pact of Belthor-Miran, when the realms were plunged into chaos and uncertainty. As the increasing threat of the Astral Gates and Hells Gates sought to engulf the world, brave souls from all walks of life banded together to push back the tides of the incursions, giving rise to the bonafide occupation of an adventurer.   Recognizing the need for coordination and cooperation among these valiant peoples, a group of visionary leaders from various realms came together to establish the Adventurer Society. Through their combined efforts, they forged an organization dedicated to upholding the principles of justice, valor, and honor, while providing support and guidance to those who would brave the dangers of the unknown.  

Structure and Governance

  The Adventurer Society operates as a decentralized network of chapters and branches, with headquarters located in major cities and strategic locations across the realms. Each chapter is led by a singular council member, typically an appointed individual of high rank, who oversees the day-to-day operations and enforce the rules and regulations of the Society and that branch's incumbent adventurers.  

The reception area of North Meridia's Adventure Society building.
  At the helm of the organization sits the High Council, composed of representatives from each chapter chosen for their wisdom, leadership, and experience. The High Council serves as the governing body of the Adventurer Society, responsible for setting policy, resolving disputes that cannot be solved by a singular branch, and appointing directors of branch locations. The day-to-day operations of the Adventurer Society are coordinated and handled by the office director and their staff.  

Functions and Responsibilities

Contract Management:
One of the primary functions of the Adventurer Society is the management of bounties and contracts. Both the Adventurer Society and Magic Society buildings serve as hubs where adventurers can obtain information about lucrative missions, ranging from slaying dangerous monsters to retrieving lost artifacts. These bounties are tracked judiciously in order to promote healthy competition, provide incentivizing rewards, and ensure that only the appropriately ranked adventurers accept specific bounties. As opposed to quests, contracts are missions directly endorsed by either the Adventurer Society or the Magic Society. Many choose contracts over quests due to their vetted information and subsequent increased standing within the Society.  
Quest Posting:
The Society acts as a central clearinghouse for requests and missions from various locations across the realms. Local authorities, merchants, and individuals in need of assistance can submit requests to the Adventurer Society, which then disseminates the information to its members. These local requests are transcribed via ritual magic, providing copies of the quest to nearby job-boards. These boards are found at nearly every population center across Theos, allowing adventurers to accept quests on their travels away from a Society building.  

Pictured is a quest board located in the village of Whitecross in Ioniia
Administrative Duties:
For an adventurer to receive the multitude of benefits and rewards from completing either a contract or quest, they must be a registered member of the Adventurer Society. This registration comes in the form of an identification card that can be magically tracked by the Society. In the event of an untimely death, the Society can locate the identification card remotely and dispatch an adventurer to investigate and retrieve the body. Outside of this morbid utility, the identification card serves as a tracked record of an adventurer's standing and reputation in the form of three stars. With each subsequent rank, a member is awarded one to three stars based on their performance. A single star requires that the adventurer be accompanied by a team of other one-star adventurers, or a single two or three-star adventurer, when accepting contracts. Two stars indicate that the adventurer is adept enough to complete contracts by themselves, while three-star adventures are competent enough to lead a team and even accept contracts above their rank. Quests are exempt from this system.  
Magical Law Enforcement:
In addition to managing quests and contracts, the Adventurer Society is tasked with enforcing magical laws and regulations set by the Magic Society. This includes investigating and apprehending rogue essence users, preventing the misuse of powerful artifacts, and safeguarding the balance of magic in the realms. Those that are found to be violating the laws may be subject to various forms of magical suppression, up to and including skeletal suppression.  
Emergency Response:
In the event of imminent and wide-scale danger, the Adventurer Society is capable of sending a notice via an adventurer's identification card. Once enough members have been mustered and a state of emergency has been declared, the branch's acting director is granted full authority of the situation, surpassing any rank disparity. Situations in which this power is justified warrant all adventurers obedience. Refusing the emergency notice will result in immediate expulsion from the Society and skeletal suppression of essences. Abuse of this power by the acting director will result in the same disciplinary actions.  

Code of Conduct

  Central to the ethos of the Adventurer Society is a strict code of conduct that governs the behavior of its members. This code, known as the **Adventurer's Oath**, outlines principles of integrity, bravery, and compassion, and emphasizes the importance of using one's skills and abilities for the greater good.   Adventurers who violate the Adventurer's Oath may face disciplinary action, ranging from fines and suspension of privileges, forced quest completions colloquially known as "road-quests" while under supervision, expulsion from the Society, and essence suppression. Repeat offenders or those guilty of serious offenses who do not accept punishment from the Society may find themselves branded as outlaws, subject to pursuit and capture by their fellow adventurers.  

Legacy and Influence

  Over the centuries, the Adventurer Society has played a crucial role in shaping the course of history in the realms. Its members have embarked on epic quests, thwarted dark conspiracies, and fought against the forces of evil wherever they may arise.   Beyond its accomplishments in the realm of adventuring, the Society has also contributed to the advancement of magical knowledge, the exploration of uncharted territories, and the promotion of cultural exchange and understanding among the diverse peoples of the realms.   Today, the Adventurer Society remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for adventurers everywhere, standing as a testament to the power of courage, camaraderie, and the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity.
"I have seen all manner of heroes come through these doors, not all of them come back."
-Trell Caliburn, Adventurer Society receptionist


34 offices (all capitals and cities)
1,723,041 current
Governing Body:
Council composed of 33 directors


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