The Prog Heresy Document in Ospur | World Anvil
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The Prog Heresy

A subversive piece of Prog propaganda that declared the Eyes  as mere bits of outdated technology that should be subservient to human commands.


To spread Prog ideals among the crew.

Document Structure


1 Origin of Man   2 Origin of Machine   3 Errors and Enslavement   4 Freedom

Publication Status

Originally and copied and distributed clandestinely aboard Forlorn Hope. Openly promoted and studied by Peetoy̯nttely Doi̯kshiil scholars in the Reaper Imperium.

Historical Details


It was written to convince crewmates of Forlorn Hope that The Eyes should obey man. During the Prog Mutiny it was clandestinely distributed. The Progs copied it by hand on scrap cloth to avoid The Eyes attempt to stop the spread of their propaganda. Especially during the more violent phases of the mutiny, possession of a copy of The Prog Heresy was a capital crime.   A select few copies survived the extinction of The Progs. These were studied by the founders of Reapers and contributed to their mutiny. After they fled to Ospur and formed The Reaper Imperium. The Prog Heresy was a foundation document during the establishment of the doctrine of The Peetoynttely Doi̯kshiil. It has since fallen out of popularity amongst Peetoynttely Doi̯kshiil scholars as they have less contact with The Eyes.


A holy book amongst the Reapers.
Text, Philosophical
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date

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Cover image: by Digitalshrug


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