Selimbar Geographic Location in Ospur | World Anvil
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The realm of the forsaken and forgotten dead according to the Sanctified. It is here that souls who are forsaken or forgotten by The Eyes spend their afterlife. The easiest way to be forsaken is to work against the will of The Eyes in life.  One can also end up in Selimbar by being unnoticed and forgotten by The Eyes. This usually happens to those who have little thought to The Eyes in thier life.


An endless realm similar to to waking realm of Ospur. The significant difference is the lack of birth or death. The inhabitants do not sleep or need to eat.

Localized Phenomena

Forsaken souls soon discover that they are unable to be slain in this afterlife, despite the familiar nature of the realm. Even decapitation is merely an agonizing but temporary ordeal. In time their injuries will heal albeit with permanent scars and new aches. However this seeming boon is quickly understood as a curse.  
In Ospur foes can be permanently slain. In Selimbar bitter vendettas continue with no end. In Ospur the peace of death awaits the grievously injured. In Selimbar only endless pain awaits.
Dimensional plane
Related Myths

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Cover image: by Digitalshrug


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