Dode Cliffs Geographic Location in Orrus | World Anvil

Dode Cliffs

Straddling the southwest section of the Dodeheuvels on Roverseiland, the Dode Cliffs are unique in that they are riddled with a cave network that winds into the hills. Some of these caves, like the infamous Dodedrop, has a large enough mouth to allow a small sloop to enter from the Vestdoorgang. This cave network is notorious for being a hideout as well as stash for countless raiders and pirates. Sometimes these disparate bands fight each other over their loot and the best areas to hideout, but there has been an unspoken peace here for the last 10 years when the Pirate King of Roverhaven, Ferdinand the Red-eye asserted authority over the islands.


Climbing hundreds of feet out of the Vestdoorgang on the west side of the Dodeheuvals, these cliffs are treacherous and steep. The base and height are pocked with natural caves and cuts into the rockface.
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