
Hyperspace superstring wave transmission, usually simplified to "hyperwave," is a form of superluminal ("faster-than-light") communication that uses hyperspace to transmit information between any two points in the universe instantaneously.

Operational Principles

Hyperwave transmitters are supergravity resonators that transmit pseudo-waves across hyperspace, within the compact sixth dimension of imaginary time. Because of the utilization of superstrings, the wave is not a true wave -it does not have a propagation speed, instead the vibration is simultaneous across the whole of the superstring, allowing for instantaneous communication across space regardless of distance. However, because of past wave interference in the first dimension of true time, information cannot be passed backwards in time from any relevant frame of reference, abiding the laws of relativity.   By configuring an array of emitters and receivers to pick up the resonation of a specific frequency, a hyperwave transmitter can be used as a ranging detector to sense objects within hyperspace. These devices are called “hydar” (in the same convention as radar and lidar). However, hydar cannot interact with objects in realspace; realspace sensors only operate at the speed of light.

History & Discovery

In the annals of galactic history, the Tel Azor were the first known civilization to achieve hyperspace technology, approximately two thousand metric years before the Klex did the same. The human invention of hyperspace technology is attributed to Saint Mercurion.


Because hyperwave transmitters are somewhat less complex and pose far less inherent risk than other hyperspace technologies, hyperwave manufacturing is undertaken by organizations that do not otherwise deal with hypertech, leaving hyperdrives and gravity systems to the appropriate firms. However, in Solar legacy space, the Order of Saint Mercurion are the preeminent engineers of hyperwave devices.


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