Okera Sekhr Character in Ordo Templaris Universe | World Anvil

Okera Sekhr

The Shield Okera Sekhr (a.k.a. OS)

Okera Sekhr was the first Shield of the Ordo Templaris. Initially he was a scribe in the Je'daii order, a great student of history and tactics. When the Force Wars broke out he was one of the seven founders of the Ordo Templaris alongside his wife Rina. He took the title the Shield and was one of the key tacticians of the first Crusade. He died in battle two years after his wife.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fit and agile but rather frail and weak.

Body Features

No notable bodyfeatures

Facial Features

A rounded thin face. He had a thin short beard that he often played with abscentmindly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up Okera was always a quiet and timid boy. He did not like to play with the other boys much never finding the rough games enjoyable. he was more reserved and preferred to spend his time reading. His parents were scholars and there was never short supply of new books and scrolls for him to read. history was his favorite and it was what he decided to study as he grew older. Although he was not one for fighting his favorite subject in history was war. He would spend day after day reading up on old battles and mighty warriors finding them facinating. It was his interest in war that made him study military tactics. He enjoyed the intelectual battle between army commanders. To him that was were any war was truely fought and won. He met Rina when he was giving a lecture on basic military tactics as a substitute teacher. She was in the class because it was required of her and it was her fierce nature that made him eventually fall in love. She was so much like the great warriors he had read about and he was both facinated and terrified of her at first. In time the two would complete each other, and he was often the one to hold Rina back whenever discussion became heated, just like she would drag him along to experience things he would never have deared alone. When the force wars began it was Rina who taught him to fight. He learned the basics but remained a tactician moreso than a fighter.


Okera finished higher studies in history and military history. He became one of the top students of military strategy and went on to do some teaching of his own. In combat he only learned basic melee combat more in order to protect himself than to actually go to battle.


Rina Osiloth

Wife (Vital)

Towards Okera Sekhr



Okera Sekhr

Husband (Vital)

Towards Rina Osiloth




Rina and Okera married in 10,655

Legal Status


Balanced towards the light
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Temple Priest, later Shield of the order.
10616 TYA 10675 TYA 59 years old
Short, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
180 cm
87 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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