Isadore Geographic Location in Orbius | World Anvil
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The largest of the pirate islands, and the most civilized. Ruled by the count of Isadore, who may or may not bother to come here. The current count (Govina by name) lives in Valeria, and almost never goes near the island. He has a governor he appointed, and who answers directly to him - this man is named Falconi, and is a respected figure - however, his duties are fairly limited. He controls the royal ships on the island. He controls a number of royal castles. And he operates the count’s plantations, which make up a vast stretch of land in the southwest. Many of the island’s plantations are, in fact, held in fee from the count - a feudal structure extends through most of the hinterland, especially the productive hinterland. The cities and towns mainly run themselves. The two main cities, Porto Ringo in the northwest and Isadore Cty in the southeast, are governed by councils of 3, appointed by various factions. One lord is appointed by the count (or his governor a second is chosen by the guilds of the city; the third is chosen by the church - which in Vinar, usually answered directly to the king. (Elaine - Lady Fairchild - is currently one of these lords in Isadore - having been appointed by Falconi after she negotiated the end of the pirate wars; she is respected because she has ties in the north - she has links to the Kingdom, and to points north.) There are a number of other towns on the island, that are ruled in various ways -guild councils, governors appointed by the count or the king, and so on. All told, Isadore is the largest, the most prosperous, and the most stable island in this area. Though this is a relative term to be sure. For all the cultivation, it is a large island and much of it remains howling wilderness. Slavery is legal and practiced widely (though it is very controversial in the cities), and there is enough untamed coastline to give pirates, smugglers and other forces easy access to the island.


Mountainous interior, jungled, with hilly coasts and some low, coastal plains.
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