Tivaxan Ethnicity in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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The tigiren sect that moved in and dwelled with the k'siiva, and adopted onto their empire quickly after their own initial tigiren empire encountered failures. Occasionally (in increasingly rare moments) they are regarded as 'the traitor sect' by their peers, with some crooked and long-term confusion even falsely calling them spies for the Immortal Siivakian Empire, back in a time when their old empires may have existed with speculated competition.
  The tigirens have had some small presence in the late stages of the older siivakian empire, and have only established and populated better since then as one of the resident species under their coalition. Most of them can be considered found on Vaxhora itself, though some still count under this term if they simply work for the k'siiva on another world. The view of them as traitors is slowly being replaced by their reputation as complacent and somewhat docile, and aloof 'spititual' eccentric types. They're often some of the more scrawny and easy-going among the more public tigiren.


Beauty Ideals

Contrary to most sects of tigiren, the most recent and long-term adaptation of k'siiva presence and authority has rendered them more neutral and soft-spoken. They tend to be some of the leanest average tigirens lacking either serious muscle density, or flab, and don't tend to often overdo substances or consumption per health ideals in place by their rulers. They instead tend to relate more with spiritually curious types, and come off more as a 'hippy sect' in terms of arts and experiences with each other. Males are desired to be seen more as confident, and yet controlled types, asserting just the right amount of control and motivation to come off as masculine, without the aggressive side coming out unless directed with clear needs. Often they will wear heavier garbs, and styles related to an 'outer voice' presence. Females are more often valued to be colorful, adorning their body with floral elements, and wearing less in general, but sometimes dying or painting parts of their fur. Akin to k'siiva customs, they are often the ones being more playful and artsy, and its idealized for them to be creative while the males are more stoic. Those that get more involved in war and aggressive affairs, even as a loyal occupation, are usually regarded lesser in their own community, and often find partners outside their sect.

Courtship Ideals

Very loose, and sometimes this sect is the more openly polyamorous. Some will even arguably dismiss a union altogether, and raise kittens more in collective community centers, if with mixed effect that is believed to be highly impractical if not for well taught laws and orders between the siivakian culture and a few more attentive tigiren guardians.
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