Felyran-Eldarics Ethnicity in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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More often called Felidarics, are a group of lionkin and zekani that have moved in with the skonort lands of Eldaras. Skonorts once landed in a more desert-centered felyran city that hosted both societies, both of which showed interest in their tech and food prowess. At the time, word of the newer Noble's Cuddle concept had seeped in for the local lionkin as a way of proving strong harem status, creating a demand for heavier meals and higher agricultural wealth. These arriving large pig creatures seemed to be miracle suppliers of this ideology. Zekani were initially more interested in just the nature of prosperity and comforts skonorts assured of their lands and technology.   In time, skonorts were seen as 'culinary divine figures', and pleaded to go with them. Skonorts obliged, needing more hands (or paws) to build establishing towns at the time on Eldaras. Quickly the two species gravitated towards the dynamic culinary arts, and even as some developments disturbed them, new generations were quickly exploring many routes and ideas skonorts or the new planet offered, and the acts overwhelmed both into changing their natures a bit. Skonorts were greatly humbled by the thanks and gratitude, and curious about their natures, and enabled generations of these new allies to live among Eldaras and even move beyond with upgraded starfaring tech. As such this became one of the larger methods of lionkin (and the only major route for zekani) to travel planets and universes. As such the Felidaric is the most common lionkin or zekani to travel, but a bit different by habit from their native counterparts.  


  Exposure to meritocracy of alien norms, and the overwhelming culinary practices lords wanted to imitate, lead traditional gender roles to crumble. First it started with females being taught how to cook, to which they loved the practice and began replacing their lord's work, but also occasionally taking jobs and pay as chefs. Individualism rapidly followed, though they still clung tightly to social needs of fellow females and a centric strong male. Females began more self-expression, sometimes growing out their mane or doing their own fur-markings, while the male only seemed to hold power and tradition over clan markings. Males got less dependent on females for defenses, but were also severely under-trained in history. As such, Felidaric males work more on elevating their voices, roars, and threat persuasion. Serfdom also fell apart, from failing needs and better tools, as well as a somewhat more promiscuous set of acts among the females exploring their feelings of freedoms. Some took in toshiden helpers instead, while others simply found the technology or fresh personal drive of lionesses to help more.   With united order, abundant food, most lionesses and former serfs got fat, and stationing wife-warriors fell out of common use. Most Eldaric lionkin began to resembled noble-cuddle harems of softies. Lords were already spoiled by nature, while females grew into 'cuddle-figure' shape so often that the related role & term fell out of use as normal. The few staying slim tend to live with an attitude contrasting to the mainstream, and may like sports or science studies more than the large culinary arts, potentially even introverted and against harems full of chatty social feasts.  


  For Zekani, their social-structures saw less change, but they didn't initially know how to handle it when the culinary dense culture started to make most of them plump-up. They gradually lost older notions of weight-related greed, and greed itself, feeling like being heavy and holding special tech was a sense of belonging. They got stronger needs for keepsakes, gambling, and the superficial value of collectibles. However those that eventually moved away from skonorts often slimmed down a bit, save for seldom cases they found a liking to a Pie Princess and accidentally introduced a new equine meat to the omniverse. Yet space-faring zekani still tend to be into possessions more than their tribal roots would be.


Common Taboos

  • Wasting food
  • Eating alone
  • [Lionkin]Enacting prior 'dead' lord commands
  • [Zekani] Making a mess over the pelt.
  • [Zekani] Avoid haggling out the best deal
  • Eating while drinking coffee or tea - "Requires a clear pallet"
  • Having tap water


Beauty Ideals

In modern times, both races have found warrior natures and pure vanity falling a little out of favor. Both lionkin and zekani still promote harems, where males often host for large groups of females like a collection. Lionkin of this culture have simply gotten more abstracted roles and less dominance. Meanwhile the culture prompts a lot of eating, and distinctions with a slender physique are mostly dropped, with many harems enabled to embrace noble's-cuddle customs with added procreation instead of the platonic homeland norm. Often cuddles/snuggles are prompted first on even slim females, and a male will choose to mate within the session or decline until they are more intimate. There is an expressed interest unique to Felidarics in prizing more tall forms, seeing the influence more from being surrounded by large skonorts, and the hope of growing taller from excessive nutrition.   Given standards are generally low, and harems large, others have watched both species settle into Eldaris or nearby planets and populate disturbingly fast, posing a reputation similar to tikerin and satyr. This has prompted at least the local skonorts of Eldaris to promote space travel to narrow the regional numbers, though they aren't anywhere close to genuine resource strain, and its more a strange awareness that they didn't expect either of the two races to explode in headcount. While they aren't yet as common as most traveling races, its expected Felidaric, Pawslovic, and even hybrid lionkin numbers will surge greatly in the coming centuries.  
Erasure of social castes have intensified lionkin breeding to a degree that alarms some races   For males, mane care is still deeply desired in traits, and they've taken more care and affections for their voice and a need to roar more commonly given they're expected to seem threatening instead of hiding behind female guards like older customs. By old customs, zekani still hold a great affinity for clean coats and colorful patterns, and are more often even sometimes attracted to aliens they co-exist and may be caught flirting with tigiren, vyllk, and others.

Gender Ideals

Far more fluid and meritocratic than their home customs. While males are still expected to lead a large house and property, there are also many sons they'll have that simply stay or even flirt with present females, and spar a little among each other when the father does pass. Females all the while are more liberated and tend to enact more on their will and artistic ideas more than felyran natives. However they still adore and stick close to 'harem-sister' peers, and tend to be affectionate in groups while competing for 'snuggles' or breeding. Still unique to this group, they may even be so independent as to have proper jobs and work to bring extra supportive money into their harem.  
Lioness customs strongly changed. May try different clothes, jobs, manes, and so much food
Felidaric manelord explorer. Most prominent traveling and upgraded culture of the lionkin
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Mare emulating skonorts & eating their giant sweets. Gourmands are a cultural staple    
A few lionesses more frequently try manes


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