Drifter Corp Organization in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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Drifter Corp

Drifter Corp, or "The Drifters" are a small group founded by ryclin Kipp, after she ended her more full-time solavore job & security contract duties. She went back to her initial ambitions, and sought to make a small company for distribution, travel, and aid across the omniverse while satiating her curiosity (and often, her gluttony). However her career path and strange circumstances still scarred her path from its simpler ambitions. She's more willing to spar with Vyras and their villainy, and occasionally gets a little too spoiled when her missions allow feasting on the locals or adversaries. Still she has shown some sense of control, and was the more constrained one when taking her friend Bycoa on a quick run.   Along Kipp's adventures, she's mostly only kept a serious employment of her cloests friends Orkayl and Gessie. However, Sandra is a member that joined in full time after a StarStone-12 trip, and she still works and functions close by a few allies, sometimes contacting help or contracts with others. Their services include everything from medicine delivery, culture exchanges, smuggling, teleportational assistance, counter-rift incidents, and Kipp herself still enjoys some solavore hunts.  


  • Redd & Blu: Two Rust-goth brothers Kipp once lived close by and spoke to frequently in her solavore career. While only Redd is more socially competent (if generous to even say that), they have no difficulties in handling rough tasks whether its dirty or violent jobs, and won't say no to assisting if they can be treated fairly.

  • Zeane: Mother of the Zeanite race. She's a protective and compassionate wealth of transformative powers, and has occasionally leant a hand in jobs against Vyras, or for more festive events.

  • Raphtfina: A zarkovin-zeanite that has become involved on more than one occasion after a trip to The Drifter's santa job. She has a slight rylie-preying desire after she met Kipp as an over-fed alien curiosity Rapht compared to livestock, but she's often able to set that aside and assist with a courageous warrior spirit.

  • Bycoa: A ryclin that's less enthused of Drifters as a concept, but she's a solavore that has worked well with Kipp, and reached a mutual understanding with her odd work. She's knowledgeable about Cauven, and vastly capable in combat and technology.

  • Naptlie: Another solavore ryclin Kipp once rescued, more aquatic in features. She since gave Kipp her Hunter Harp with the implicit understanding that she feels indebted to help Kipp or the Drifters if they one day need an additional (and perhaps more aquatic) ryclin ally.

  • Anna / Sterletta: A NEEDI agent that initially met Kipp on a job to stop Syrax from gaining a ryclin agent. Their meeting was actually a mistake of confused identity, believing Kipp was the ryclin Syrax wanted. Later the two met briefly in The Crossover Games, and by chance at a festive gathering, and its safe to assume she potentially wouldn't mind helping The Drifters yet again if it engaged with Syrax activities.
Adventuring Party
Alternative Names
Drifter Mail
Notable Members


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