Near Isles Geographic Location in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Near Isles

The Near Isles are an archipelago in the southwestern Aquatic Kingdoms, so named because they are the nearest part of the archipelago to Cantonova.


The Near Isles are a circlet of low-lying atolls. They have sandy beaches, a warm climate, and swamps and mangrove forests.

Localized Phenomena

The rusalka are a special type of quasi-fey water elemental that live in the glades of the Near Isles. They appear as beautiful, fair-skinned women who lure travelers into confusion or death.


The most famous cultural export of the Near Isles is the Near Isles morality play. These are theatrical works meant to be delivered by four narrators who sing or speak all parts while a small troupe of actors and dancers pantomimes the events described. Common subjects of the morality plays include historical fables, legends of the Feywild, or horror stories. Morality plays traditionally begin with the words "It was once, on these islands..." and end with some sort of clear lesson or moral.
Related Tradition (Primary)


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