Technological Level Of The Earth in OmniVerse | World Anvil

Technological Level Of The Earth

Earth's technological level had greatly advanced in the years leading up to and after The Withering. With the advent of Mana-Electricity Conversion that makes effective use of Mana as a power source, the usage of Mana and Edenite as a whole, and the large amounts of money poured into scientific programs thanks to the Deepcore Foundation; science had experienced a wondrous boom.

Science Fiction To Reality


Widescale Adoption of Technology: Feburary 21st, 2003
InfoCHIP was introduced in the early 2000s. Acting as a type of identification chip that works with the faint magnetic field emitted by humans; the InfoCHIP is embedded into one's wrist, acting as a secure way to enter secure areas with the required clearance, make transactions, and use ID-locked tools and weaponry. At first, it was only authorized for military usage and usage by politicians, though it eventually became available for public use. Today, around 40% of the population uses an InfoCHIP in their day-to-day lives.

Cryptonic Currencies

Widescale Adoption of Technology: November 8th, 2000
Cryptonic Currencies, oftentimes referred to as Crypto and virtual currencies, a type of currency that, in theory, were supposed to act like a replacement to physical currency. It was attractive to the populace due to its decentralization. However, due to incidents such as widespread scams that were done on unsuspecting individuals, and being seen as a form of monetary gain for corporations, it has become a simple kind of virtual currency that is micromanaged by large organizations, including the Deepcore Foundation. The most popular types of Cryptonics include the heavily organized and watched V-Units, the independent and illicit SCARAB Coin, and the virtual picture-based FSTOP, all of which can be accessed via smart-phones, specialized cards, InfoCHIPs, wrist readers, and computers.

Virtual Realms

Widescale Adoption of Technology: March 25th, 2012
With the advent of Virtual Reality technology, thanks to efforts by organizations such as the Deepcore VR Division and the PLAYZONE Realm Corporation, people have begun creating and living in virtual worlds. Some of these worlds are popular amongst followers of Starism, allowing for meetups and worship of particular sects of the belief. Others, such as Escapists whom have become V-Humans, will spend a majority of their days in these realms thanks to the usage of Extended VR Tubes.

Analog, Digital and Beyond

Various types of formats such as VHS, Betamax, DVD, Laserdisc, Instant Film and others became commonplace in an earlier time frame than what was originally predicted by some experts. With Instant Film and VHS becoming commonplace in the 60s, media exploded to a degree unlike anything ever before. Nowadays, the old formats are revered in a nostalgic sort of way, with many owning multi-media systems that can play multiple formats, such as VHS and DVD; Laserdisc and Betamax; etc. Alongside that, the Deepcore Foundation has created it's own brand of Instant Film cameras in the 50s, called MEMORIA, which has lasted with other poplar Instant Camera brands to the modern day. In the 2010s, a new format was created that is considered to be modern, even in the nostalgia-filled present after The Withering, called Holographic media.

Holographics, oftentimes referred to as Holograms and 3D Imagery, are computer-generated, three-dimensional images and/or videos that can be viewed from multiple angles. Often created using advanced lasers, Holographics have become a popular choice for those whom wish to either record video that can be viewed from multiple angles, create advanced light shows and concerts, as well as a variety of other applications. A type of Holographic technology that has become rather popular are Holographic Calls, which can display either the caller or a virtual avatar belonging to the caller to another through an outfitted device. Some will often have two-dimensional Holographic displays, which gives the images and videos that are viewed a quasi 2D-3D view.


Widescale Adoption of Technology: December 5th, 2014
The usage of cybernetics began to become feasible thanks to the efforts of the Deepcore Foundation, with their SYNTH program and it's developments starting in 2007. People would get mechanical replacements for lost limbs; or in special cases, have their heads transplanted onto fully mechanized bodies. Even in a post-Withering world, it remains relatively easy for some to get cybernetic enhancements, with the most common adopters of such tech being humans living in Deepcore Foundation-based locations.


Widescale Adoption of Technology: April 21st, 1950s
Long after the invention of Depthmektal in the 1920s, the Deepcore Foundation, as well as various other companies at the time, would begin to invest in designing Superstructures, buildings that can survive even the most powerful blast or the strongest earthquake. Although these would not fully come to realization until after World War II, many would see these structures being created throughout their lives. It is thanks to these structures that locations such as NEO City were able to survive the beginning days of The Withering.

Fantasy and Science Combined

Edenite Batteries

Widescale Adoption of Technology: November 12th, 1959
Edenite Batteries are powerful, magical batteries that make use of the Mana to Electricity conversion method, allowing for machinery to run for long periods of time. Alongside that, Arcanists have used Edenite Batteries to supplement their own magic. When they were first conceptualized and created, Edenite Batteries were rather large, requiring heavy duty equipment to move them around; though nowadays they can be as small as an adult's fist.

Medical Advancements

Since the inception of Arcanists, many have begun working in the medical field to assist those whom often find themselves in medical need for one reason or another. Although there was a fair bit of time where medical professionals and Arcanists would clash heads, nowadays they both work hand-in-hand, with some Arcanists using wide-scale healing magic to help one's sicknesses and injuries while doctors helped with making sure the magic will work with the patients without risk or dangerous side-effects occurring. Oftentimes, it's normal to find Ceramists, Brewists, and surgeons all hunkered together, working on making a surgery go well. As a result of all of this, the typical lifespan of your average human has been extended.


Thanks to government and scientific research, as well as Psychics and Telepaths, several moves have been made on researching the human mind, allowing for heightened levels of intelligence. Alongside that, however, it has made the world of espionage become much more hectic and dangerous, as well as having allowed certain agencies to spy on people of interest and experiment with the populace at large. A noteworthy incident is the infamous MK Ultra program by the CIA, which had produced entities such as Kaleidoscope and Polybius.

Pure Fantasy


Widescale Adoption of Magic: January 2nd, 1939
Enchantments are a type of magical spell that are typically cast onto a tool or weapon wielded by a human. These enchantments tend to range from allowing a tool to last longer under duress, to allowing it to cast various types of elemental magic such as fire, ice or lightning. Although simple, many have used Enchantments to make their lives better, and with the human mind being as creative as it is, the only thing limiting most Enchantments is the user's mind, and the amount of mana they have.

Warp Stones and Stations

Widescale Adoption of Magic: October 1st, 1972
Warp Stones are magical trinkets that had been uncovered and researched throughout the 60s and 70s. Said to have been created by the same entities that those whom worship Starism spoke of, Warp Stones and Warp Stations are able to warp people between locales with ease. Meticulously crafted with a high amount of magic and covered in runes that represent the destination where a Warp Station is, Warp Stones are able to take people just about anywhere. Oftentimes, the Deepcore Foundation will sell blank warp stones for people to buy, and then charge them to have a rune planted onto them that will allow them to traverse between stations.
Noteworthy Technologies
  • Mana-Electricity Conversion
  • Unique Operating Systems
  • Phaselight Barriers
  • RMO AI
  • Entropic Rewiring Tech
  • VR Technology
  • Noteworthy Materials And Items
  • Mana Battery
  • Manasteel
  • Depthmektal
  • Magnetite
  • Noteworthy Theories
  • Temporal Reality Theorem
  • Related Readings
    Technological Level Of The Frost
    Generic article | Feb 1, 2022

    Despite everything, there's still some things left that people can use to survive in the frozen wastes...

    by JC Gellidon, Edited by Joshua Edwards
    Deepcore VHS tape with a bootleg copy of Stanley Kubrick's A.I. Artificial Intelligence, released on June 29th, 2001 to critical acclaim. Kubrick would later direct various other movies alongside Steven Spielberg, whom worked with him on A.I. They would work together until Kubrick died on November 2nd, 2012.

    Cover image: by Joshua Edwards


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    Jan 26, 2022 23:36

    This was a nice overview of the technology in this world, and I liked the integration of both magic and more advanced technology into everyday life.

    Jan 27, 2022 08:01 by Solitary

    Thanks! Glad you liked it :) I hoped to convey the idea of both magic and technology combining well and im glad it worked. Stay tuned for a look at another part of OmniVerse, with a frozen offshoot timeline of Earth :3

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