Starism Organization in OmniVerse | World Anvil


Starism is a religion that has formed over the course of the past one hundred years, after the occurence of The Bloom and when knowledge of potential pre-historic Artifacts and Myth from various sources became widepsread. Starism is said to be related to another world that is said to exist, known as Blackstar. The full name of the main sect of Starism is 'Orthodox Starism Of The Blackstar'. With the largest church being located in NEO City (Present day New York City), it's certainly a popular religion, despite various divisions and splits that have occured throughout its years.

Mythology & Lore

Most of the mythology is based on the known information about the world of the Blackstar; and the subsequent history behind it. The Blackstar was said to have been a world created during the 10,000 Days; created by a large group of Humans whom wished to keep the usage of magic alive; out of a fear of it being forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the world. The Blackstar were said to have referred to themselves as 'Stars', referring to the higher hierarchy of Stars as Golden Stars; one of the seven Holy Stars, and the Final Star.   The Golden Stars were regarded as the leaders of individual groups of Stars, and as such; there are similar groups on Earth that act as leaders of various churches scattered across the world. Depending on the Golden Star, they were either intelligent teachers; powerful warriors; poets; and other occupations that were regarded with high respect by the Stars.   The Seven Holy Stars were said to be servants to the Final Star, all of which were given worship in various forms, depending on what the Holy Star represented. Followers of Starism will often feel a connection to one of the Holy Stars; and as such will be sure to properly worship and give offerings to them; whether it's once a month or once a year.   The Final Star is the goddess that the Stars were said to have followed over all; she who led humans off of Earth in the middle of the 10,000 Days and brought them to their new home. Although few depictions exist of the Final Star, what does exist shows a being that can be compared to that of a Valkyre, mystical and beautiful; wielding a spear with the end shaped like a star.

Tenets of Faith

There are five tenets that followers of Starism will commonly follow; of which various sects will always uphold no matter the location.
  1. A soul is not restricted to the body, rather the body is a vessel that the soul is contained in until it's time is up on the planet.
  2. The vessel of a human's body can be altered if there is a desire from within.
  3. Humans were once full of Mana, and as such humans must be allowed to infuse their bodies with Mana.
  4. Be one with nature and give it the respect and attention it desires.
  5. Deliver worship and prayer to the Holy Star that you feel the closest to.


Northern Haven Starists
by Joshua Edwards
Northern Haven Starists are followers of Starism that are focused in the northern portions of the world, generally in countries such as Lodge Of The Mounties or the American Wasteland. Northern Haven Starists generally have similar beliefs to the main dogma, although they believe that there are five Holy Stars; and that consumption of flesh belonging to nature should be prohibited. As such, Northern Haven Starists do not consume meat.   Northern Haven Starists also believe that, when the apopcalypse comes, then all those who believe in Starism or have an interest in the Blackstar will be saved; brought to a new world that marks the beginning of a new era of peace and harmony.
Black Leaf Clover Starism
by Joshua Edwards
Black Leaf Clover Starism is the second most popular dogma of Starism; with a majority of it's followers being based in America, Asian, and Russian continents. They believe in only worshipping the Last Star rather than her and the seven Holy Stars, instead treating the Holy Stars as simple; yet important warriors that gave their lives protecting the Last Star during the 10,000 Days as she brought humans from Earth to Blackstar. With the Holy Stars dead, the Last Star would serve to bring her flock to greatness, waiting for the day she can return to Earth and lead it to a new era.   Despite the destruction that was wrecked upon the world after The Withering, most followers of this sect believe that it's simply a test; and that the survivors will be blessed with her greatness when she returns.
White Starism
by Joshua Edwards
White Starism is essentially a commercialized version of Starism that organizations; most notably the Deepcore Foundation, had been involved with. The beliefs in this sect of Starism are heavily streamlined, with it being dumbed down to the Last Star being the only one that people should worship.   People have used this sect of Starism to gain money, running various pyramid schemes and such to scam people out of their money. Unfortunately, due to how high-profile it is, as well as propaganda by the Deepcore Foundation; it remains a rather popular form of Starism.
by Joshua Edwards
Quadstar is a type of belief that has formed in european and african countries, They believe that there are four agents that worked underneath the Final Star; of which represented Life, Love, Leisure, and Liability. They believe that each agent represented each aspect of human nature, and that one should take care to live Life, Love as much as they can, embrace the Leisure they can get, and take Liability for any troubles you may cause.   Quadstarism has been seeing a surge in lower-class regions within Africa, partly due to how the region had seen a large amount of growth up until The Withering occured. Even in the aftermath of the disaster that occured; Quadstarism has given people hope for a better life.
Stars Together
by Joshua Edwards
Stars Together was essentially formed as a type of counter-culture to regions where LGBTQ+ rights are neglected or fought against; such as within certain pockets of civilization in the American Wasteland. Along with following the existing tenets of Starism; those who work together under Stars Together will often work to protect marginalized groups, either acting as a deterrent or providing relief to them in the form of medical or financial aid.   Thanks to the nature of the world post-Bloom and the existence of magicians that wish to assist those who struggle with their physical forms, Stars Together has been seen as a light for those who are transgender or nonbinary .
by Joshua Edwards
Virtura-Star is an interesting development for some; as it is the first religion that is mostly based within the confines of virtual worlds. Virtura-Starists often meet up within VR worlds created using technology from organizations such as Deepcore VR Division or PLAYZONE Realm Corporation. Thanks to the power of VR Technology, people will often create simulated realms based on what ancient texts describe regarding the world of Blackstar; developing AIs mimicking the Holy Stars and the Last Star based off of the known knowledge; i.e. memes, of the deities.   Virtura-Starism is commonly seen with those who realm virtual realms a lot of the time, especaily those who are Escapists. Common Escapists who believe in Starism are found in cities that have kept their technological proess in the midst of a torn-up world, such as NEO City.

Everywhere At The End Of Time

Founding Date
March 13th, 1929
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Children Of The Stars
Notable Members

Articles under Starism

Cover image: by Joshua Edwards
Character flag image: by Joshua Edwards


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Aug 5, 2021 20:39

Very interesting! What significance does the reference to Everywhere at the End of Time hold :? That definitely jumped out at me.

Check out Vernelis!
Aug 6, 2021 03:37 by Solitary

I hope to expand upon it sometime, it's significance. What i will say though is that Starists do tend to hold a lot of value in memories that they do not wish to lose; and they hope their beliefs can persist everywhere; even when the world's in a state that feels as though it's close to an end.

Aug 15, 2021 22:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Such an interesting history, and a great variety of different sects. I love how much work you've done on the different logos for each of them. White Starism makes me uncomfortable, but I definitely see parallels in our real world. I'd love to hear more of the Holy Stars and the Final Star in the future.

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