Nomans Ethnicity in OmniVerse | World Anvil


There's so many places for one to see, may as well make the best of it all.

Nomans are wanderers, people who go from place to place in the frozen wasteland of The Frost. They have no destination, and the temporary camps they leave as they travel across the lands are never permanent, usually remaining for a day to a week at a time. They wander, a dense and heavy smoke leaving them as they drag heavy carts with them containing firewood and coal that is kept alight. In the cold of the vast wasteland, they wander with the stench of flame and brimstone following, making them stand out in the midst of the cold. Yet those who know better do not attack them, as they do not mean harm.  

The Idea Of Noman

We'll never know, we'll never know, but we'll always go, and then we'll always go. We'll wander and leave, wander and stay, with nowhere to go but everywhere.
— Nazareth
Nomans believe that no one really knows everything or anything about the universe or how anything works. They say that no one knows what makes electricity do what it does; comparable to that of a miracle. They know that science can explain the what and the why, but not the why of how it came to be, with the same going for the rest of the world. Alongside that, they believe that one shouldn't remain rooted where they are, that they should be free to wander everywhere. As a result, they carry everything with them, stopping for however long they wish but never for extended periods.  


Originally, Nomans did not have the name they have for the first twenty years after the bombs fell on October 25th, 1962; simply being individual roamers who have one reason or another for not sticking to whatever place they came from, opting to survive on their own in the woods. It wouldn't be until Nathan Rex started to gather the people he came across in his travels and group up with them, becoming a group of survivors that hunted and went from one place to another. Nathan was always a rather curious man, wondering aloud with his fellow explorers on various things about the world around them, such as what is inside the Edenite gems that were used all over the world; or how technology that was long gone has a habit of still working if you did enough work on it. It was all a strange mystery to one such as him.   It wasn't until he met a man named Eduardo Gallo that his view of reality and its miracles began to really take off. Eduardo; as well as being a wanderer much like Nathan was, was also collecting whatever strange trinkets and artifacts to carry with him on his home-made sled. While they were conversing, two noteworthy things came up in their discussions. The first object of their discussion:
How the fuck do magnets work?
— Eduardo
The second object of their discussion was an artifact that Eduardo had pilfered from an abandoned Frozen Core mine he came across in Terlingua, Texas. While few know what exactly Nathan was shown, it left him changed, viewing reality with a different pair of lenses, so-to-speak. He saw that it didn't matter who someone was, where they came from; nor did it matter how technology or nature worked. All that mattered to him now was that life was beautiful in its terrifying yet strange mystery. After taking to a campfire later that same night, he saw life inside the flames, burning free in its chaotic nature. It was then that he began to spread the word of being a Noman-- A person unchained from the earth; a Nomad that knows the world is a chaotic, changing place; yet it is beautiful with the miracles within it. It was after that he gave himself the name of Nazareth, to distinguish himself from his prior name.  


Gender Ideals

Nomans believe that one shouldn't be held back by the idea of gender, completely disregarding it as a construct. They say that who you are is who you are, no matter what. As such, Nomans tend to identify as any gender, from male to female, transgender to bigender, neither gender, it does not matter to them. If you're a Noman, then you're you.

by Joshua Edwards

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Cover image: by Joshua Edwards

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Author's Notes

To give an idea of the design process of this, imagine if someone had taken these songs:  

and applied a frozen wasteland kinda feel to them

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