Deepcore Foundation

Deep, deep in the mines...

The Deepcore Foundation is a world-wide megacorporation that specializes in mining, weapons manufacturing, science, and various other fields of importance. Originally specializing in mining operations; Deepcore has grown massively from the day of it's creation and is continuing to grow. From digging the earth up; to creating strange and powerful weaponry; to selling specialty grown food, Deepcore has a massive grip on the world as a whole. The contributions they have made to society have brought both great blessings and terrible curses across the world-- and by extension, to the Omniverse.   The Deepcore Foundation works with countries all over the world, from all the nations involved with NATO to the war-torn countries in the third world. Regardless of political standing or ethics, Deepcore has succeeded in establishing a foothold in the world's economy; and despite pressure from many about their dealings, Deepcore will continue to do whatever they want on the world stage.



When people ask me why we need to dig in the arctic, I have to remind them of what lies underneath the ice. We need this special form of Edenite more than ever, especially as this war on terror goes on.
— Freddie D. Russo
  The CEO is responsible for organizing and managing everything about the Deepcore Foundation. They make a majority of the decisions required for the company's growth and yearly earnings, such as where to focus a dig-site on or approving a product. They have the final say in what the company does, although they do tend to listen to whatever advice or suggestions the High Order has. The current CEO of Deepcore is Freddie D. Russo, the child of the previous CEO, Anderson Russo.  

High Order

A group of 10 officials that are handpicked by the CEO to manage parts of Deepcore that the CEO is too busy to work on. They're given free will to do as they see fit is best for the company, allowing them to vote on and change any policy. While their names are known and they are often seen publicly, their addresses; phone numbers; and where they meet are hidden for security reasons. In the event of an emergency replacement being needed; the CEO will handpick someone he most trusts to fit the position of a new official. The current members are:

Research & Development

R&D, sometimes known as the tinkerers by the less technologically oriented employees of Deepcore Foundation, researches new technologies for the company's use. While their focus is mainly on improving mining technology and Edenite technology, R&D will branch out to other fields of studies, such as weaponry; construction; manufacturing, and anything industrial. Their smarts are part of what propelled Deepcore to have such a firm grip on the world; by being the leaders of various technologies. The research they do tends to be highly secretive due to how expensive and important it can be.  

Deepcore PMC

Referred to in hushed circles as The Judges, Juries, and Executioners; The Deepcore PMC is a feared group by many across the world, being one of the largest private military companies in the world. As of 2020, they are made up of a total of 9,092,519 personnel. Large groups of them are stationed at the various city-states that the Deepcore Foundation reside over, as well as currently in combat with countries that the Deepcore Foundation has sold their services to.  


Inspectors are an important part of Deepcore's day-to-day operations, leading and managing the teams of miners that are sent underground; along with management of mining activities. They are divided into two different groups:


Prospectors go out on expeditions to discover and recommend new mining sites for the Deepcore Company to use. This position has fewer available workers than other positions due to how many locations are already under Deepcore's purview, however, recent endeavors may suggest a revitalization of this field of work.


Excavators often go underground with mining teams to research particular rock formations, gems, and the like. Their research is important to cataloging the different variants of Edenite discovered around the world.  


The original part of the foundation that has stood the test of time, Miners are the blood of the foundation's day-to-day operations. They are sent into whatever sites are determined to be beneficial to the Deepcore Foundation; risking life and limb for Deepcore's profits and for the good of humanity; as the materials they find; the ores; and especially the Edenite; are all important for its future. As of January 3rd, 2020; there are 4,333 mining teams; employing approx. 195,232 individuals.

Crew Chief

The Crew Chief tends to be an experienced; seasoned veteran when it comes to mining. Leading groups that can range from 20 men to 50; they are important for a successful dig; instructing diggers on where to mine and recognizing dangers to the crew's life.


Engineers are the tech-savvy members of a crew; managing the big mining equipment that a mining team uses to retrieve valuable material. They tend to know the machines they use inside and out; recognizing if an excavation tool is close to overheating when they hear a noise that spells out 'It's about to explode.'


Without these employees, the Deepcore Foundation wouldn't have reached the infamy that it has achieved today. Diggers are the most profitable employees in the company; doing the actual mining and retrieval of ores and materials from the caverns they dig out. They amass a majority of the company's workforce; working day and night in treacherous locations for the good of humanity.


Originally founded as a mining company on March 13th, 1890 by Jebediah Russo, Deepcore Foundation started off small; mining various deposits of ores underneath the Earth. It wouldn't be until 1901 that they would begin to venture into other businesses, thanks to the wealth they amassed after digging up a huge deposit of Edenite in Mexico. They founded the town of Moonblight in 1902 after miners discovered Edenite there; quickly buying up all the deeds for the land.

Going deep down to go sky high!

Founding Date
1890, March 13th
Corporation, Conglomerate
Alternative Names
DCF, The Corporation, Deepcore
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members

Articles under Deepcore Foundation

Cover image: by Joshua Edwards
Character flag image: by Joshua "TheSolitaryGamer" Edwards


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