Farkill Settlement in Olquen | World Anvil


Located along the road coming out of the northern border of the Valralei Forest, Farkill is a fairly typical small empire town. Its one notable feature is that it has a much higher percentage of Half-Elves than anywhere else in the known world.   Due to its proximity to Forest Deep, the town is the most likely location for Elves and Humans to meet and, potentially, mate. For this very reason, the town has a disproportionally high number of orphans due to children abandoned by elves that find they cannot bear to stay away from the forest any longer.

Industry & Trade

There are two inns currently operating in the town...   Forestside Inn - A fairly standard town inn, modest in number of rooms and amenities, it has a lively tap room on the ground floor. Its rooms mostly accommodate travelers and its tap room is a favorite of the locals. Dahn Laird, a friendly half-elven gentleman of middle years is the proprietor and can generally be found tending bar. His wife, Fera, a plump human woman runs the kitchen and serves some of the finest home-style cooking within a hundred miles.   Bar Awaui - A more stately inn which tends to cater towards elven travelers, especially those from Forest Deep who have made their way to Farkill for trade or communication. Literally translated as 'Home Away', the inn is run by Aralee, an elven woman of indeterminate age. She possesses a warmth that is striking based on the sophistication of this inn and its clientele. The inn is clean and well-appointed and despite its general visitors being most-commonly elven, its remains open and welcoming to all.     The town isn't large but there are a couple of vendors serving the needs of residents and travelers alike.  Each vendor is a member of the Silken Satchel.   Farkill General - An aptly named general store that carries basic goods, useful for homemakers, farmers, travelers, and more. Food is also available. The store is run by Rilly Sneed, an older human woman with snow white hair and a gruff demeanor that could intimidate just about anyone interested in making trouble.   Baubles and Bubbles - The local alchemist and purveyor of the interesting or weird, Gerard Wahl is an energetic half-elven man who talks a mile-a-minute and never met a customer he didn't like. Despite the fact that he has never been anywhere, he will always claim to have known someone from right around the corner from wherever you live. The shop is mostly stocked with basic potions and salves for the needs of the locals, but he does have more arcane potions and sometimes he'll have the odd magic item or two.   Farl's Forge - A smithy run by Farl Grandel, another of the town's half-elven population. Like many of his profession, Farl is a large man with the bulging muscles and reddened face of someone who spends most of their time swinging heavy things near a roaring fire. Farl spends most of his time on mundane goods but is always looking for a challenge to exercise his artistic side.

Guilds and Factions

Inhabitant Demonym


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