Clarissa T. Skyburner Character in Old Canon | World Anvil

Clarissa T. Skyburner (Kla-wris-ah)

The Woman with an Unbreakable Will

Biological parent of Balthazar Skyburner

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Diana was the daughter of an explorer known as Maddox Skyburner, a crazy old hag who never seemed to run low on bad luck. Diana and Maddox never saw eye to eye on a number of topics, chief of them being her love interest, a sketchy smuggler by the name of Marcellus Okarot whom Maddox despised. Diana and Marcellus ran away from Maddox to start their own life in a new star system.    Marcellus's gambling debts caught up with him on planet Mars, where he faced certain death from the crime lord Rook Amadeus who now controlled the world. Diana was prepared to die alongside the love of her life but in the end, Marcellus sold his devoted wife to Rook to cover his tab, making a clean escape come sunrise. Amadeus put the woman to work in a cheap pleasure house in a district under his control. In addition to this, Diana soon learned she was pregnant with her former lover's child.   When faced with such overwhelming odds, any normal person would buckle under the weight of it all, but Diana was a Skyburner, and Skyburners don't give up. Diana took control of the dump and made a community from it, morphing the dying pleasure house into a successful tavern. She and her girls were looked down on by the higher-ups of the city but Diana held her head high, be they Amadeus's goons or greedy rich Martians. She soon earned the title 'The Woman with an Unbreakable Will' for her attitude. 


Diana ran the tavern on Mars where she also worked at, it offered pleasure services, drinks, food, and games, with all the fiance being handled by Diana who was a genius with Gems. The bulk of her income came from a side business she had run out of the back of the tavern, one where she would smuggle in illegal goods and resources for the rich Martians too cowardly to leave Mars themselves or to take the risk of dealing with pirates or smugglers directly.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Diana was a foreigner in a new place with no one she knew, abandoned by her ex-husband Marcellus, indebted over 70 Million gems to a crime boss, and forced to work it off in a pleasure house. Shit had officially hit the fan, and in her circumstances, the one thing that could have made it all worst was to have the son of the S.O.B who sold her away. Despite everyone's cries of disapproval, Diana kept the baby, and named the lad 'Balthazar', many considered the boy to be a detriment to Diana. He was born extremely weak, he bruised easily and most of the scraps of Gems Diana earned went to feeding him or buying medicine for him. Everyone at the house knew he was a burden on Diana, except for Diana. To her, Balthazar was the greatest thing to ever happen to her. He was her prized son, and for him, she would do anything. Diana considered Balthazar to be her crowning achievement, the sum total of her love and admiration. 

Personality Characteristics


Diana was primarily driven by her desire to prove her mother wrong, Maddox always believed Diana to be too weak to survive on her own and kept the girl sheltered for most of her life until she ran away with Marcellus Okarot. Diana was driven to prove the old crone wrong, she indeed had what it takes to survive in this galaxy and carve out a name for herself. Sure, it may not have happened the way she wanted, but she thriving and surviving, and noting would overcome her will!

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Diana was good with numbers, like very good with numbers, she was no genius but she sure as shit had a nack for it. She was good at math, doing calculations in her head, predicting outcomes, it all came so naturally to her, almost as if it was second nature. It was this skill that allowed her to cultivate her advanced business sense, or as she called it, her "Money Radar" which allowed her to make shady deals to benefit the tavern and take care of not only herself but now her extended family who all depended on her now.

Virtues & Personality perks

Diana could not be bullied, she could be beaten, she could be collared, shot, abused, abandoned, but she could-, nay she would not allow herself to be backed into a corner. On that fateful day when Rook cornered her, he explained what happened with her cowardly husband, and how he would kill her if she fought back. But Diana laughed, only cowards run away from a challenge, and every new foe or opposition opened up a path to a new and better version of yourself. She would make Rook regret the day he let Marcellus live!


Clarissa T. Skyburner


Towards Marcellus Okarot

Marcellus Okarot


Towards Clarissa T. Skyburner

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Desolation
Marcellus Okarot (spouse)
Dark Grey/ Blue
Short & black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • " ... look at your mother Balthazar, my little explorer ... oh how you'll explore the stars I just know it. You have an adventurer's soul, just like your grandmother ... I wonder if you'll ever meet her on your travels? ..."
Known Languages
Working in a tavern, you learn to pick up a thing or two about other tounges, most of which Diana can speak well and slip between them with ease, often mixing them together by accident when she had a busy night of drunken customers too drunk to notice.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS