Jinth Species in Octisafell | World Anvil
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"Son, here is your Jinth egg. You must care for it until you come of age. Only then will you be allowed to ride him or her."
"What color will it be and how big?"
"Only time will tell, my son. Just be good to it and the bond you form will last a lifetime."
Conversation between an Al'Duine father and his son.

Jinth are large sand lizards living in the Sacala Desert. The Al'Duine use them for hauling supplies and passengers from place to place in the desert.

Basic Information


Jinth have four muscular legs--two front legs with three toes and two back legs with five toes with toe fringe to help with traction in the sand, and a long tail that can store moisture and nutrients. They are colored in shades of brown and tan with spots and bars of darker color to blend in with the desert sand. Jinth have a wedge-shaped head. They have a large boney brow crest that shades their large dark eyes. The eyes have clear scales which slide over the eyes in high wind to protect them from flying sand. They also have a neck crest that helps them burrow into the sand and works as a great hand hold for a rider. The skin of the Jinth is very tough, scaley, and smooth. They also have a long, forked tongue that they use to scent the air for preditors, food, and other environmental signals.

Genetics and Reproduction

Jinth have mating rituals which include the female turning different colors to let the male know she is ready to mate. The male mimics the female's coloring during the mating ritual. He may also perform movements like a dance to attract her. He bobs his head, swishes his tail in the sand, and flexes legs doing a push-up move to impress her. Jinth reproduce sexually and the female lays a clutch of from eight to fifteen eggs. The egg has a leathery surface which protects the egg from wind, sand, and predators.

Growth Rate & Stages

When a Jinth egg is laid, it takes about a year to hatch and around three years to mature after hatching. The mother leaves the baby lizard to fend for itself. It is cared for by an Al'Duine child from age nine to twelve. Their bones and skin are very soft and must be kept out of harmful environments. The Jinth receives additional care and training for about four years. As the baby Jinth matures as the child reaches age twelve, the child raises and protects the vulnerable baby lizard. At a fully mature age of four years a female Jinth is able to reproduce, but the Al'Duine usually keep females away from males until the female is six to eight years. At age sixteen, a young Al'Duine is able to ride the four-year-old Jinth after their coming-of-age ceremony.

Ecology and Habitats

Jinth thrive in the desert, but can venture for short periods of time into more temperate regions. Jinth exchange heat and moisture from the air and sand. They burrow into the sand to rest.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Jinth eat insects, small animals, and desert plants. They can eat other things not found in their natural habitat as well.

Biological Cycle

Jinth are laid as eggs, take about three years to hatch, mature in four years, can mate at around four years, and has a lifespan of sixty to seventy years.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The live in group called lounges.


Domesticated by the Al'Duine

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Transportation & hauling

Facial characteristics

Brow crest, large dark eyes, eye scales, wedge-shaped head

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found only in the Sacala Desert

Average Intelligence

Intelligent, but not sentient

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Jinth have very good vision and use their tongues for their sense of smell by passing air over the tongue and roof of their mouth.
60 years
Conservation Status
Bred by the Al'Duine
Average Height
6 - 8 feet
Average Weight
1500 - 1800 lbs.
Average Length
10 - 12 feet
Average Physique
Muscular & strong
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Browns, tans, and oranges while mating.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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