WorldEmber 2020 in Nys | World Anvil

WorldEmber 2020

WorldEmber Progress Report

This is going to be my first WorldEmber, and my second major challenge after the SummerCamp. To overcome the lack of prompts and succesfully complete the challenge, I will try my best and to homework this month, preparing at best!   This article is my pledge to complete WorldEmber and shows what I intend to do.   Since I saw I tend to write pretty long articles, I will need only a few topics to focus on. I think the two most important areas in need of expansion and details are the Undead Cities and the Doujatar Kingdom. To these two I should also add the Empire, which generalities are already in place, but details are amiss for. However, I think I will prioritise the former ones, since both lack some basics.

To Do Table

Without further ado, here comes the table. Entries are in no particular order. If, in the end, I will still need more words to complete the challenge, I will describe the other two crusades. I am starting from the second because it is related to the Undead, while the other two are not.  
Article Template Brief Excerpt Words
Damparo Person Ancient hero, now guardian of the Moon Valley, where the Goddess resides. 3800
Garden of Memories Location Damparo's places, filled with statues of heroes. 800
Moon Church Organization The cult of the Moon Goddess, based in Krylas, Doujate. 1300
Head Priestess Rank The highest position in the Church. 1200
Doujatar Kingdom Organization Closely tied to the Church, the Kingdom rules the land of Doujate. 2300
Vidris, Moon Goddess Person The Goddess herself, protector of Nys. 1100
Second Crusade Conflict A war waged against the Undead to extinguish them from the world.
Oubri-Douji Riders Formation Military unit specialised in airborne bombadment. 1000
Undead Cities Organization League of mostly independent cities in the Frozen Lands north to Doujate.
Archlich Person Undead leader, immortal according to some definition of immortality.
Frozen Cathedral Location Residence of the Archlich.
Secret Article Myth A secret article that I will write last. DEAD last.
Article Template Brief Excerpt Done
Arnakian Glass Material A material for luxury ornaments. 800
Montrerilonkeu Species Aggressive herbivorous douji. 600
Eleise and Elaique Myth The first head priestess and the one who blessed Damparo.
First Crusade Myth The first champion of the Moon facing the Abyss.
Third Crusade Conflict Called against the Abyss during the eighteenth century crisis.
Abyssal Crisis Conflict Most important demonic event in Nys.
Silver Half Moon Item Holy symbol representing the Head Priestess and Doujate.
Council of the Church Organization Conference of the most important archpriestesses.
Second Era Myth Past era when the Abyss controlled Nys and a dark mist covered the continent.
Elves Species Most common intelligent species on Nys.
Nesto War Treaties Document Peace treaties ending the Nesto war.
Sieuch valley Location The valley where the Moon Goddess resides.

30 November - The Beginning

And so it begins! I am starting from the Head Priestess title and, as expected, a LOT more articles to write are popping out. Since the are achievements for more than 10k worlds, WE WILL SPARE NO ENERGIES! I am adding above a second table to fill out with the most important articles to write after. I will give priority to the first table ones before going on. Uh, except the secret one, I mean.   I will also use this article to update and comment upon my progress, since it does not count towards the 10k goal.   Expect the first article in a couple of days at most!

1 December - The First Article

Here we are with the first article, Head Priestess. Today I solved an important linguistic problem. Crusades were called like this because soldiers fought under the symbol of a cross (crux in latin) but in Nys we have no crosses. Instead, since our soldiers fight for the Moon, we will call the wars "Lunades" (and them "Lunaders"). I think it's nice. I will not change it in the tables above, however.

9 December - Almost 50%

This article slipped from my mind for a while. I updated the table but forgot to write entries here. By now, I have the Moon Goddess, the Garden of Memories and the Moon Church.   I am not sure whether I should take a break from Doujate and change topic going for the Undead. The good news is that the remaining articles are no more focused on the Church, so I will get a slight change in any case. Today's prompt about a material rich people use is interesting, I think I can give it a try maybe.   Anyway, current goal is to be over 100% by the end of next week!

15 December - Doujate almost done!

I finally finished a massive article about the Doujatar kingdom. It absolutely hated it: way too lengthy, took way too long. I am very happy it is done now. With this out, I am both almost done and without energies. At the moment I want to write Damparo's article next, since, you know, I'm using his name.

30 December - I am not dead

Probably. Unfortunately I had other projects that needed attention, not to mention work. I had to cut my WorldEmber goal to just write the standard 10k words. I am working on the final article about Damparo, the champion of the Moon. It is taking a while since it is, how can I say, endless? This is the longest article I have ever written and will remain unbeaten for a long time I think. It will be online tomorrow, so stay tuned!

31 December - Happy new year!

With a large delay, I completed this challenge. At first I thought I could achieve the 25k words goal, and it was indeed within reach, after the first half of the month. I am still happy with the result. In the end, I wrote about 13k words, mostly about Doujate, and people enjoyed some of my articles, in particular the Oubri-Douji Riders. The last article, Damparo, features amazing art from a friend, so be sure to check it out!   It is a pity I did not have enough time to write about the undead too, but I will sure get to it in the following months, so stay tuned!   We will see again in the new year! Cheers!
This article has no secrets.


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