Julimen Ethnicity in Núreht | World Anvil
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Singular: Julim Plural: Julimen   The Julimen are workers of the carnivals and funfairs that travel around Ewaes. Although travelling communities can become insular, seasonal uhten (social gatherings) and annual Uksinaudh (Julimen paliments) mean that there is a great deal of cross-over between communities. Julimen often use these events to meet distant family and friends, strike up relationships, marry, and to move between shows.   A key part of uhten is updating the wider community on social developments - births, marriages, divorces, and deaths - with the first day of the uhten devoted to mourning divorces and deaths, and the second to celebrating births and marriages. The Julimen believe in a cycle of lives lived in the physical world and the spirit world, and that all deaths must be marked before births, as a mark of respect to the spirits, with divorce being a 'petty (or lesser) death'.  
Julimen are profoundly religious; while the leader of the show is the mulvindr ('the one who roars'), the leader of the community is the hemgimuss ('god-speaker'/'god-mouth'). The mulvindr functions as a purser and ringmaster, responsible for financial and administrative decisions as well as being the manager of the show, while the hemgimuss is the heart of the community, leading rituals and ceremonies, and arbitrating disputes.
Julimen are intensely communal, with the whole community coming together to raise a child. They value teamwork and, due to their lifestyle, a child is expected to start helping out as soon as they're physically or mentally able to. Julimen children often have a broad educational base with early exposure to wide variety of skills, from engineering to art and circus performance to law.
Despite being a strongly insular culture, the Julimen will - at the discretion of the hemgimuss, guided by the clan's ancestral spirits - adopt individuals into their communities, generally those who have nowhere else to go who arrive as though guided by their own spirits. As with raising a child, the integration of the individual is the responsibility of the entire group, with the individual being the ultimate resonsibility of the hemgimuss. The newcomer adopts the role of a near-adult child, and undergoes a coming-of-age ritual on full integration.


Major language groups and dialects

Pelpatter (cant)
Languages spoken
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Cover image: London Pearlies by Peter Purdy


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