Treasures of the Reefs Building / Landmark in Nor | World Anvil

Treasures of the Reefs

Treasures of the Reefs is a small shop in Haram Bay that specializes in jewelry made from Coral taken form the local reefs. The jewler Temon Keenbluff is a master jeweler and makes some of the most sort-after coral jewelry in Aranthar.
  Temon could have set up sho anywhere on the continent, but decided to work out of Haram Bay as he got his start on a pirate ship. His jewelry dosen't have any maker mark, but any skilled jeweler or appraiser would recognize his work by the quality and material. His work is sought after by mages for enchanting items with a nautical theme.   He sells his wares in through Treasures as well as other items that have been made from material that comes form the sea. The prices are high, but can fetch an even higer price on the mainland.
Parent Location
The World of Nor


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