To Hillston III Report

General Summary

The party left Masa behind and made their way north to the Border of Arnonia. They made it to a Border Fort run by the Vemorax and were able to bluff their way through pretending to be traders. While there, they discovered that the fort housed prisoners who were being held, to be fed to the Dragon Vuzul. Vowing to help them, the party stopped a little past the Fort to discuss the situation.
While stopped, they spotted a Vemoraxx patrol, dragging a woman and her two young sons behind them heading to the Border Fort. They were being roughly treated, and the party decided to step in and help. After a pitched battle with the patrol, they freed the woman, and captured the patrol leader. They discovered more about the fort and more about the young green dragon Vuzul.
They decided they needed to free the prisoners, and find out from the Dragon Priest at the fort where the Lair of Vuzul is so they could end his hold over the area. They made their plans.

Rewards Granted

Three horses, Barding, and vemoraxx gear. They also found several gems on the patrol leader and some potions. Their biggest reward was information anf the feeling of saving a family from certain death.

Missions/Quests Completed

They have crossed over the border and are now in Emic.
Dragon's Dominion
David Scroll
William Knabbe
Carados Malavorax
Report Date
14 Jun 2020
Primary Location
The World of Nor


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