House Elarora Organization in Nor | World Anvil

House Elarora

House Elarora (el-a-ROR-a) is one of the Great houses of Elvenhome. It is known for it great crafters. Elves who show skill in creating Weapons, Armor,, Jewelry, art of other items of value ae usually adopted into the House Elarora where they work with the craft masters of the house to produce goods for the Elven people, or for commerce.

The High Elves of Nor are famous for creating blade and armor that are both light and strong, as well as jewelry and other art pieces that are otherworldly in their beauty. Most of these items are the works of crafter of House Elarora. They have mastered their craft over hundreds of years. They are responsible for Arming the Elven military with weapons and armor that can only be found in Elven hands.

The leader of the house is also a Master Crafter, but the skills needed for leadership are different that than of the crafters. The leader is usually skilled in logistics, and knowing what the house can produce and it's worth and demand in the outside world. It is these skills that make him a chief advisor to the king.


The House is broken up by the craft that is being performed.  There is a Grandmaster CRafter for each type of craft.  Below the Grandmaster are several MAster Crafters, and they in turn are responsible for the crafters.  The are no journeyman like in Human crafting, as Elven crafters to not leave, and practice their craft outside of the Elven Lands.  They instead work with Elven Traders, who sell the good to the outside world.


House Elarora has been established for many years.  It was a a lesser house for many years, and Rose to a Great house in 221AS.  It was during this time that there was a great altercation between the Elesti and a horde of Orce from the south.  A crafter in house Elarora, had been working on crafting techniques that had not been used since the days of Arvendar.  In Arvendar the techniques were used for practical good, as there was no violence in that blessed land.  The crafters of the house, used the technique to create Armor and Weapons, that were stronger than what had been created before and lighter.  MAny were very angry that they would take the skill of peaceful Arvandar and turn them to weapons of war, but the need was great.  With these new techniques, the armed the Elves with superior weapons and armor, much better than wha the orcs had access to, and that was a real turning point for the lves.  The house was elevated to a great house, as the King saw that not only did they need the skills, but they also needed the guidance to understand what could be made and what was needed to ensure the military had what is needed to defend the Land.

Perfection in your work is the way to enlightenment

Founding Date
774 BS
Geopolitical, Great house
Notable Members
The World of Nor


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