Arcane Magic in Nor | World Anvil

Arcane Magic

Arcane Magic is the magic that is used by Wizards and sorcerers as well as other classes. Its source is called the Pool of Magic and was created many years ago as a conduit to the inner planes, the source of the energy that drives all magic.
Most classes access this energy by using gestures and words and material components. How they do this and learn how to do it can be very different though. Below is a list of Classes and how they access this magic and learn it's secrets.


Mages use magic by studying magical formulas which allow the caster to create a connection to a ley line that carries arcane magic across Nor. These formulars are complex mental construct that combined with gestures, words and material components, allow the wizard to draw the magic and shape it to their desired effect. It takes a lot of time and practice for a mage to learn how to create these mental constructs and they must be taught them by someone who already knows them, in most cases.
There are three main categories of Mages, though there are exceptions that don’t fit any of these.
Academican Mage
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Hedge Mage
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Sorcerers are granted access to the Pool of Magic innately through a few different methods. While they cast spells with gestures and words like a wizard, the knowledge is not learned the same way. A sorcerer does not study formulars, but instead just understands how to create the mental construct required to cast a spell. Sorcerers get their knowledge in several ways. Most people associate Sorcerers with Pact sorcerers as they have the most stories told about them, and the stories do not show them in a positive light. The most common are people who give up parts of their souls to make deals with Evil entities to gain magical power. This stereotype is so prevalent that some places have even outlawed sorcery. It is also responsible for the strong distrust or sorcerers that is prevalent in the world today. Most sorcerers will go about with a "fake" spellbook pretending to be wizards to avid the stigma of their calling.
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A bard accesses Arcane magic much like a sorcerer, where they don't have to study arcane formulas. The demigod Casia, a servant of Derrilyn gave bards the gift to craft magical constructs by using their music of other artful performance. The act of their performance automatically creates the construct for their spell. Bards usually have to learn their craft from another bard, but some have been known to be self-taught.  


A witch gets her ability to access arcane magic from her Patron, a being of immense power similar to a God. She learns how to do this from her patron. She has to learn spells like a wizard, but learns them in a different way which utilizes her familiar. It is a process that is not truly understood by most, including most witches that use the process.
The World of Nor

Articles under Arcane Magic


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