The Talons Military Formation in Nideon | World Anvil
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The Talons

The Talons are a special group of Ethite Enforcers who specifically protect the Ethite president, Chitaa Solosol. They are her most trusted enforcers.  


Though the Ethite president has always had protection, Solosol created the Talons as an additional protective group in 1959, claiming that she worried about extremists who wanted to end her Make Ethion Burn Bright initiative. She travels everywhere with at least two talons, sometimes sending off the president's usual personal guard, sometimes under the accusation that members of this protective unit might themselves be spies.  


Though the current duty of the Talons is to protect president Solosol, they are also all members of the Wings, a special task force created the year before to root out spies and terrorists who might mean ill will to Ethion. Though there are members of the Wings who are not enforcers, to become a Talon, one must be both an enforcer and part of the Wings. The Talons are hand-picked by Solosol herself, to ensure that she can trust them. The Talons also serve as the head of the Wings and continue to report to Solosol news of possible enemies of state. The Talons themselves are not known for being a particularly lethal force because they are picked for their loyalty. If one were to attack Solosol, however, they would be better off being taken out by the Talons, as any apprehended criminals are likely to be handed over to the leader of the Wings, one of the few leaders who is not a Talon, but is known for his sadistic interest in pain tolerance.  


The Talons wear the uniform of the Ethite enforcers, but with red braiding instead of yellow braiding. They also wear the silver wing pin of the Wings.

Cover image: Ethite Flag by Molly Marjorie


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