The Sea Witch in Nideon | World Anvil
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The Sea Witch

We will meet at Mystery Point. The Linakrans won't dare attack. They're far too afraid of the Sea Witch.
— General Niko of Huef
The Sea Witch is a Linakran legend about a ghost who is said to lure children to their death and drown them. The Linakran legends are based on the story of Rebecca Casimir, a Liankran woman who started a cult in the 5th century. While her followers praised and worshipped her, others accused her of witchcraft. She was executed by drowning at Mystery Point in the Northern Sea. Since then, stories have abounded, claiming that her spirit haunts the area, and many Linakrans avoic of it, out of fear they will lose their lives.
The legend became so popular that in 1865, General Niko of Huef was inspired to name a navy ship after the legend. The Sea Witch stayed close to Mystery Point and wizards on board used magic to create the appearance of a specter. The Huef navy still uses similar tactics, and has been known to have stategic meetings at Mystery Point, because it is usually safe from attacks.
CW: drowning, execution, ghosts

The Silk River Spirit

Though Rebecca Casimir's death was documented at Mystery Point, a similar myth is told about a spirit along the Silk River in Alaj. It is likely that the story of the sea witch traveled with Alajan refugees, first escaping Linakra and took on a new form along the river. Some versions even include The Silk River Crow saving children and sailors from the river spirit. As the Silk River is possibly the most dangerous river in Alaj, it is also likely these stories were fostered to protect children.

Cover image: by Molly Mar


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