What I'm Reading! Issue 157 in Webway | World Anvil

What I'm Reading! Issue 157

Hey, Everybody! Here we go with Issue 157!
So! The end of October is upon us! Which is a shame, since that's the end of Spooktober. But, hey, that just means WorldEmber is that much closer, right? How is your WorldEmber prep going? Working on stubs? Outlines? I know some will plot out entire mind maps or whiteboards in preparation!
Reading is another good way to prep. Inspiration is a well and really it's a good idea to let it refill. Which means read! Fuel that imagination! Which is exactly what I've been doing. (Plus its a great way to unwind!)
So, without further delay!
Here is the current crop that REALLY stood out for me! Enjoy!

The Road Goes Ever On

Once again, I grabbed my satchel and set out on the digital road to find some unexplored countries in the Anvilspace. As always, the Anvilspace didn't disappoint!
  #whatIamReading #TheKummerWolfeList #anvilspace

Cover image: The Star Cluster by CB Ash using Midjourney


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