Mizukage Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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The Mizukage is the leader of a formerly hidden village of ninja located on the ocean floor, the Kirigakure. His people are composed of tritons, sea elves, and other waterbreathing races. He is also the father of Chigiri, uncle of Kiri, and great-uncle of Corvid. After his village came under attack by an alliance between Levira and a family of dragon turtles, his people were assisted by the Kingdom of Lothal's military after Chigiri asked Commander Truestrike for help. They soon returned the favor by joining the Wyvern Knights during the Battle of Inkhear to push the Morlocks forces out of the city.   From then on, the Mizukage's focus switched to getting his people acclimated to a new home in Lothal after King Paul Shapechanger and Queen Adria Durron granted them land in exchange for their assistance against the Morlocks. Many of his people have since joined either the Kingdom of Lothal's military or Adventurer's Guild to put their skills to use for the nation that aided them, leaving their old ways as mercenaries for hire behind.


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