King Paul Shapechanger Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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King Paul Shapechanger

King Shapechanger was once a young half-orc simply known as Paul, one of the handful of orc-kin not annihilated at the Massacre at Death Pass. Though many ostracized him for his heritage, Paul had a kind heart that no one stereotyping him would ever suspect. But one aspect of his heritage he did hold true to was his warrior roots, training as a skilled warrior. And this did nothing to hamper his love for the half-elf Adria Durron.   Though her family did not approve, Adria Durron and Paul were star-crossed lovers that would let nothing stand in their way. Or so they told themselves until the War of Sea and Sky came. The two became the leaders in the east who rallied their friends and neighbors against the invading aarakocra and tortles. Adria Durron became the voice of the resistance while Paul led their makeshift militia in the field.   It was Paul who held the line in the east while the western forces rallied, holding back the enemy by the thinnest of margins using guerilla tactics. Once reinforcements arrived, Paul led the makeshift army in their final charge against the armies of Alba and Karak in a massive three-sided battle. It ultimately ended with the tortle and aarakocra forces retreating back over their borders, but Paul did not survive this final battle.   In the aftermath, he was reincarnated by Nergalee and restored to life as a half-elf, the same as his beloved Adria. As the hero of the hour, the people christened Paul with the name Shapechanger and declared him their new king as the country of Lothal was founded to prepare a unified defense against any further invasions. He quickly proved to be a just leader and a wise one, always willing to heed the advice of his new wife, Queen Adria Durron. Today, he rules the nation from his small castle in the capital of Nerograd alongside his queen.
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Feanor Noldor King by


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