

Waytravel to the Town of Hillsfar...

  B   reathing requires labor as you teleport into a large stone fortress. Tapestries of Helm hang in the great room about you. Knights on guard nod curtly as you exit, revealing a great, walled town. Everything about the Grand Temple of Helm is neat and orderly, in contrast to the rest of the town. Throughout the town, you notice a few other temples, a blacksmith and physician's office, a jewelry, a finesmith, a bookshop, the Land Office, a Vehicle Vendor, a Brothel, and The Gilded Goat, a quiet inn. The surrounding region creaks of moving stone and the howl of wolves often pierce the night.    

High Altitude Region

  Traveling at altitudes of 10,000 feet or higher above sea level is taxing for a creature that needs to breathe, because of the reduced amount of oxygen in the air. Each hour such a creature spends traveling at high altitude counts as 2 hours for the purpose of determining how long that creature can travel.   Breathing creatures can become acclimated to a high altitude by spending 30 days or more at this elevation. Breathing creatures can’t become acclimated to elevations above 20,000 feet unless they are native to such environments.   Tier I Waypoint | The Iron Coin will allow anyone through. The monsters present flee instinctively should anyone of 5th level or higher arrive.  

Hillsfar Solo Encounters

  CR 0: Eagle
CR ⅛: Tribal Warrior
CR ¼:Wolf
CR ½: Orc
CR 1: Half-Ogre


Hillsfar Special Encounters

  The following encounters appear only once. Notify a DM when you've completed the prerequisites and BEFORE you fight the encounter so they can approve your completion of the prerequisites. When they have been slain and their rewards taken, they do not return. Notify a DM, so that they can list the slayer.  

Shadowcoat (Slain)

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 2: Sabre-toothed Tiger Treasure Hoard Yes Ryuukk
SLAIN: Shadowcoat   Finally found a group of adventurers to do me a job. Big cat stalks the foothills about Hillsfar, with fangs the length of swordblades. I could use those fangs to fashion up a several rare pieces of work. And some of the farmers have been regularly losing their cattle. Ryuukk and Sven were capable people. They got the job done.
— George Kosk, Blacksmith
  • Complete
Encounter Notes
  • Complete
  • Coins: 168gp
  • Gems: 12x gems (10gp each)

Reluvethel Xyrrora (Slain)

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 3: Veteran Town Reward Yes Rubert Longclaw
27 March 2021
SLAIN: Reluvethel Xyrror   Ijuzh and Rubert managed to down one of Llorva Envalur's Lieutenants in the basement of the Temple of Oghma. This was a huge victory for for Helm and Hillsfar.
— Simond of the Temple of Helm
  • Find a third shadar-kai cabal safehouse
Encounter Notes
  • Complete

Gormac the Uncivilized

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 4: Wereboar Town Reward Yes N/A
WANTED: Gormac the Uncivilized   Gormac came into my shop regularly; he had this disease where his skin would sprout boils the size of your palm. Soon, he started growing bristley hair all over his body. Tusks started to form in his mouth. I tried to offer him all the help I had, but such a disease was beyond my abilities to rectify. One day, Gormac stormed into my house, now more boar than man, and destroyed many of my surgical tools and supplies. He stole my safe, too. I need that back if I'm to stay afloat in this dying economy...
— Kairis Hopedale, Hopedale's Salves
  • Visit Hopedale's Salves and speak with Kairis (see below for details on Kairis)
  • Expend 2 pieces of lore to learn of Gormac's strengths and weaknesses
  • Gormac resides in a cave 30 miles from Hillsfar; journey there, taking into account the high altitude
  • Roll 6d100 per 24 hours. You may roll more or less, as this is dependent on your travel speed and ability to cope with high altitude. Every 25 or below results in a random wilderness encounter (!table wilderness)
Encounter Notes
  • Map: !map -bg https://i.redd.it/t27fetjgsrg31.jpg -options c60 -mapsize 17x26
  • Gormac has a potion of healing that he will use as a bonus action when he needs it

Grouch Twice-Armless

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 5: Troll Town Reward Yes N/A
STATUS: Grouch Twice-Armless   Some Description
— Some person
Encounter Notes

Ot'ujuk the Ogrehead

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 6: Cyclops Town Reward Yes N/A
STATUS: Ot'ujuk the Ogrehead   Some Description
— Some person
Encounter Notes
  • Coins: 90pp 2409gp

Motethregrelock the Sentinel

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable? Slayer(s) Date Slain
CR 7: Stone Giant Town Reward Yes N/A
STATUS: Motethregrelock the Sentinel   Some Description
— Some person
Encounter Notes

Natural Resources

Creatures of CR 1/4 or higher may be in the area of units of Cold Steel, which can be harvested in this region.
  New World Harvesting Guide

Cold Iron

This iron is worked entirely while cold, known for its effectiveness against fey and fiendish creatures.   Unit value: 100 gp
Weapons: When you hit a fey or a fiend with a cold iron weapon, you can roll the damage again and use either result.


d100 Racial Demographic Pop. %
1-79 Human 79%
80-88 Halfling 9%
89-93 Kenku 5%
94-96 Shadar-kai 3%
97-98 Dwarf 2%
99 Half-Orc 1%
100 Tiefling 1%
-- --- --


Race Relations: Racial Minority (Shadar-kai) oppresses Majority
Ruler's Status: Feared Tyrant (Possibly over-just or in direct opposition to the religious presence)
Notable Trait: Center of trade for Cold Steel and gems
Known for its: Greedy merchants
Current Calamity: Economic depression (trade disrupted)

Guilds and Factions

Helmites, Shadar-kai, The Silver Crest, street gangs


1. Temple of Helm
Protectorate Townley Buenskald is a 22 year old male human ranger (level 16) charged with leading the Paladins of Helm. He has very long, wavy, black hair and brown eyes and smooth, reddish skin. He stands at 175cm (5'9") tall and has a muscular build. He has an edgy, slightly glamorous face and is lightly allergic to sea fruits. He changes subject very often, is quite obstinate, and believes in destiny. His parents were captains of a merchant ship. He has a joking disposition and is quite wealthy.   2. Temple of Malar
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Profession: Jeweller
  • Age: 60
  • Class: Druid
  • Level: 7
  • Disposition: Mischievous, Evil
  • Economic Status: Comfortable
  • Name: Rhuled (REW-lehd) Hellore
  3. George's Forge (Blacksmith)
  • Blacksmith NPC
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Profession: Blacksmith
  • Age: 64
  • Class: Ranger
  • Level: 5
  • Disposition: Hoplessness
  • Economic Status: Extremely Wealthy
  • Name: George Kosk
  4. Hopedale's Salves (Physician)
  • Physician NPC
  • Race: Tiefling
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Profession: Physician
  • Age: 60
  • Class: Bard
  • Level: 1
  • Disposition: Playful / Joking
  • Economic Status: Poor
  • Name: Kairis Hopedale
  5. Wood's Jewels (Jeweler)
  • Jeweler NPC
  • Race: Kenku
  • Gender: Female
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Profession: Jeweller
  • Age: 93
  • Class: Cleric
  • Level: 6
  • Disposition: Weird
  • Economic Status: Climbing the Ladder
  • Name: Wood Scrape
  6. Ore Decor (Finesmith)
  • Finesmith NPC
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Profession: Finesmith
  • Age: 42
  • Class: Warlock
  • Level: 5
  • Disposition: Blase
  • Economic Status: Destitute / Homeless
  • Name: Eznin Richleaf
  7. The Golden Egg (Tavern)
  • It's as enchanting inside as it is on the outside. Sqaured, stone beams support the upper floor and the rows of small lights attached to them. The walls are packed with all sorts of exquisite art, most likely all collected by the owner..
  • Golden Egg Tavern Keeper NPC
    • Race: Kenku
    • Gender: Male
    • Alignment: ??
    • Profession: Tavernkeeper
    • Age: 69
    • Class: Warlock
    • Level: 1
    • Disposition: Amused
    • Economic Status: Royalty-level Wealth
    • Name: Brush Stroke
  8. Shenon's Land Sales
  • Land Sales NPC
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Profession: Land Sales
  • Age: 57
  • Class: Bard
  • Level: 17
  • Disposition: Reckless
  • Economic Status: Extremely Wealthy
  • Name: Or Shenon
  9. The Lively Swan (Brothel)
  • Brothel NPC
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Profession: Brothel; Manager
  • Age: 34
  • Class: Barbarian
  • Level: 13
  • Disposition: Blase
  • Economic Status: Rich
  • Name: Mukit-kek Makdavaruk
  10. Temple of Oghma
  • Temple of Oghma NPC
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Profession: Butler
  • Age: 35
  • Class: Ranger
  • Level: 5
  • Disposition: Disgusted
  • Economic Status: Extremely Wealthy
  • Name: Raben Lanthad
  11. Bronson's Stables & Carts (Vehicles and Transportation)
  • Vehicles and Transportation NPC
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Profession: Transportation
  • Age: 44
  • Class: Bard
  • Level: 4
  • Disposition: Stressed
  • Economic Status: Well-off
  • Name: Lefre Bronson
  12. Dayspirit's Books & Maps
  • Books & Maps NPC
  • Race: Human
  • Gender: Female
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Profession: Scribe
  • Age: 36
  • Class: Warlock
  • Level: 19
  • Disposition: Disdain
  • Economic Status: Comfortable
  • Name: Juwell Dayspirit
  13. The Gilded Goat (Inn)
  • The Gilded Goat NPC
  • Race: Half-Orc
  • Gender: Male
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Profession: Innkeeper
  • Age: 28
  • Class: Rogue
  • Level: 3
  • Disposition: Romantic
  • Economic Status: Rich
  • Name: Tomranth Ornell


Militaristic stonework.


Hillsfar sits in the foothills of a mountain range that forms the spine of the largest island in the archipelago.

Natural Resources

Cold Steel from the surrounding area and precious gems from the region's mines.
Discovered By
Date Discovered

Alternative Name(s)
Helm's Foothold
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Related Reports (Secondary)

Table of Contents


Articles under Hillsfar