Cantra Settlement in New Haven | World Anvil
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Ancient city-state built into the west side of the Canterlund mountains. One of the oldest cities of the continent, going back to the Anterior Ages.  


The Early years

In the Anterior Times, The Westland Odifarsa noted the great Energy located in the western face of the Canterlund Range. They built a stronghold there where they could use and study the power. Full of laboratories, great libraries, and classrooms, the place was known as Aidisurth.   With the The Descent of Helenaphe, the Odifarsa disappeared and Aidisurth fell to ruin. The first humans arrived in Canterlund following [??] and were amazed to find the pristine fortress, devoid of inhabitants. [??] forbade them from entering the place and set angels as guards. Sorcerers and researchers did not wait long to defy [??]'s wishes though and conflicts with the angels there are recorded as early as the year 200. Settlements soon cropped up around the foreign fortress and, under pressure from Anaphrene, [??] instructed his priests to consider trespassers in the fortress as [??].   The Capuran, Canison, and Tauruson immigrants who arrived from 400-450 flooded the occupied lands and, pushed out of the main villages, made crude homes within the great fortress. Confronted by the priests of [??], they rebelled with violence, an act which began a small war, [??] called the Siege of Aidisurth. Having achieved independence, the beastpeople dismantled the city and rebuilt it anew. They slowly spread into the neighboring settlements as acceptance of their kind grew.   With the rise of Lutol and its schools through the years 860-890, sorcerers and historians took a renewed interest in the old city and its rich history. Aidisurth, having been abandoned, was reoccupied by scholars. Eventually a school itself was built within the ruins. Named after the [??], [??], the place was renamed Cantra. As the city swelled with students, researchers, and sorcerers, [??] began to lose his powers there and turned their attention to Lutol and Alifathil--their new stronghold of faith.   The SICKNESS. In the year 1250.  

The Helpharian Invasion

  In the The Canter-Hel wars lasting from 1608-1618, Cantra was invaded and renamed as Naweist. The fortress was sacked, its schoolbooks burned, and its sorcerers ousted or slain. People of the south soon followed and with them the faith of Helenaphism. The influx in people after the war spurred economic growth in crafting and mining and the place grew from university town to fully-fledged city with a population of nearly 10,000 recorded in 1645. Organized under a democracy (though subject to the authority of the Helpharian king), the city divided itself into two political parties which coincided mostly with the older, pre-existing denizens and the newer arrivals from Helphar who came in day after day. The latter party, called the [??], grew steadily in control over over the course of centuries. Eventually came to represent the central cities interests in trade and crafting, the guilds, school, and noble houses. The agrarians left behind...   Dissidents of the [??] appealed to outsiders from Lutol’s remaining lords and the [mountain giants (the who now?)]. These were met with harsh retaliation from the city leaders. Rising tensions erupted into civil war in 1939. In the midst of the war, many of the help from outside turned on their allies and the city was heavily sacked. This event became known as the Great Betrayal and left the city a hollow husk which it remained for many years.
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