Tyrus Character in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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"Come and get me, you Mainland piece of shit."
— Tyrus to Hamilton
Tyrus was a gruff, intimidating bandit. Not much was known about him, other than his affiliation with Roxie. He met Hamilton Caldwell and Finn at the Drowning Dolphin in Mainfair.  


Tyrus was a Giant male, standing at about 9'0" tall. His build was lean, but all-around fit. He had a short, black mohawk and a rough chinstrap beard that was braided in multiple spots. His skin was a blueish-gray, with light scarring along his body. He wore armor in a style similar to other bandits, and wielded a large, metal splitting maul.


Tyrus was clearly the type of person that liked to mess with others. He showed an eagerness to intimidate Hamilton when they first met, and seemed to want Finn for the sole purpose of destroying him. Despite this, he was still willing to listen to people like Roxie when told to stop.
Tyrus' true depravity and bloodlust came out in combat. He relished the opportunity to mangle Eleanor, and brutally beat the rest of the Misfits. He was unrelenting, cruel, and sadistic.


Tyrus' history was unknown, but it's likely he got into being a bandit through similar circumstances to most others.


  • Shot in the jaw by Hamilton Caldwell
After a hard-fought, bloody battle in the depths of his bandit camp, Tyrus was finally put down after Hamilton came into the cave and used his blunderbuss to shoot him in the jaw.


  • Roxie: Tyrus and Roxie appeared to have little more than a business relationship, but they did seem more familiar with each other than their other respective co-workers.


  • None to speak of.

Character Information

  Name: Tyrus   Age: Middle-Aged   Occupation: Mercenary-for-Hire   Creature Type: Giant   Race: Giant   Alignment: Chaotic Evil   Languages: Common   Status: Deceased

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