Razaphel, Teller of Tales, Seer of Sights, Dreamer of Dreams Character in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Razaphel, Teller of Tales, Seer of Sights, Dreamer of Dreams

“Welcome, subjects. Bask in my presence, for I am Razaphel, Seer of Sights, Teller of Tales, and Dreamer of Dreams. For a mere two gold coins, your questions about the future can be answered. And if you seek further guidance, you may purchase any number of the fine substances that lie before you.”
— Razaphel's opening pitch
Razaphel is a custom Servo, designed to sell drugs to the people in Central City, as well as tell them their futures in exchange for coin. He was placed there by The Freebooters. He wholeheartedly believes he is some kind of god-like figure.  


Razaphel is a custom-made Servo, built to be attached to the very container he is held in. Rather than have legs, his waist connects with the base of an ornate box with a glass front, in which he is encased. He has a long face, covered with red and blue markings. He wears long, silk robes that drape over his shoulders, and many pieces of jewelry, such as ringlets, bracelets, etc.


Razaphel's personality revolves around the delusion that he is some kind of deity. This belief leads him to see himself as vastly superior to all others. He prefers to speak with large, grandiose gestures, coupled with over-the-top vocabulary. However, his superiority complex falls apart very quickly when his life appears threatened, such as when Finn tapped on the glass of his box.


It's unknown when Razaphel was created, but it's clear at some point he was placed in the Slums of Central City, where he continued to reside since then. Throughout this time, a member of the Freebooters presumably stops in to pick up the profits from time-to-time.
Razaphel was first encountered when Alice Roldwin introduced Finn to him. He attempted to sell Fuzz to Finn, but he declined.
Razaphel was encountered again by the Misfits as a whole, when they went into the Slums to track down Maddie Beck's book. He helped lead them to the culprit, and also shared that he'd come upon a small amount of a mysterious substance, which was stolen from him.


  • Finn: Razaphel first met Finn in Central, and he tried to offer him some Fuzz. Finn, horrified, turned down to offer, and their relationship has been tenuous ever since.
  • Alice Roldwin: Alice somehow learned of Razaphel before she joined the Misfits, and seems to enjoy the concept of a fortune teller/drug peddler.


  • Razaphel Trivia.

Character Information

  Name: Razaphel   Age: ???   Occupation: Drug Peddler/Fortune Teller   Creature Type: Construct   Race: Servo   Alignment: Chaotic Neutral   Languages: Common   Status: Alive

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