Emmett Settlement in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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A place for the scum to wallow

The people of Nevurdul have a knack for finding a place to call home. Even the lowliest of bandits, cannibals, and murderers need a place to live. Emmett is where these criminals have chosen to congregate. Over the years, its reputation has only worsened. Nowadays, it's seen as a no-man's land, fit for only the most wicked of folk to live in.  


Emmett's buildings are mainly made of scrap. Due to its people consisting of simple bandits, the buildings are in rough shape, to say the least. Emmett's people seem to regard this as the settlement's charm. Weapons, scraps of armors, arrows, etc. blanket the outside of every building. Blood and viscera are a regular sight blanketing the uneven soil.
The greatest architectural piece Emmett has to offer is the Killpit, a large coliseum of sorts. Encased in metal barbs, this dome-shaped structure is capable of housing approximately 30 fighters at a time, making it easily the largest building in the entire settlement.


The economy of Emmett is contributed to by a number of factors, but the main sources of income are its few businesses and its plethora of bounty hunters and mercenaries. The Killpit and the SlawterHaus, two major businesses in the settlement, tend to provide a majority of the income, which is then used for what little upkeep the settlement requires. Otherwise, any other gold is gained and spent in other locations, such as Mainfair or Central City.


Emmett's history is not a well-documented one, but it's clear that it was founded, and subsequently named after, a man named Emmett. This is evident based on the statue that has been erected in Emmett's center, depicting a human in ragged armor. The face of this statue, as well as much of its details, have since been rendered indecipherable. However, it's clear that the people of Emmett regard the man as a leader of sorts.
Beyond that, Emmett's history is rife with destruction and chaos by their own hands. But despite this, Emmett continues to stand, if for no other reason than to be a place to go where you know you won't be followed.


The culture of Emmett is nearly nonexistent, save for a few unspoken rules amongst its people. Those that are "accepted" into the settlement are treated well by other citizens, almost in a familial sense. This acceptance comes with the expectation that betrayal of one another is to be avoided, apart from special circumstances.


Emmett is based right by one of the larger lakes in Nevurdul. This lake is famous for its red water, due to the amount of bodies that Emmett's people dump into it on a daily basis. The lack of care for the natural environment around Emmett has turned what was once a grassy field into a mess of mud and dirt. Pools of blood are a frequent sight within the settlement's grounds.

Businesses & Public Structures

  • The Killpit: A large fighting arena, often hosting events to draw in potential fighters and patrons alike.
  • The SlawterHaus: The only tavern in Emmett, owned and operated by the Freebooters. It provides the closest thing to peace one can find in Emmett.
  • Macabre Ranch: Home to the Macabre Brothers, this ranch has been mostly abandoned for years, possibly since before Emmett was founded.


Emmett's people are quite diverse, given the lack of order within the settlement. Just about anyone is allowed in, but those that cannot conform to Emmett's ways don't remain long. Only those that can understand and handle the criminal lifestyle stay in Emmett for long periods of time.

Known Members

  • Blanche
  • Valentine
  • Crash
  • Schmidty
  • The Macabre Brothers


Additional Facts.

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