Tarrain Species in Nebula United | World Anvil


Tarrain are a Geno type of Human, Their core home world is Tara.  They have taken control of their genetic structure. This allows them to create multiple variants and mutations within themselves. Though they have lost or never had the ability for psionics.

Basic Information


They are a bipedal species with 10 toes two arms hands and 10 fingers one head that has a mouth, nose, two eyes with circle pupils, and two rounded ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

They can reproduce the normal way a human does but in their society it is all done in the lab. When they want to have children they go to a fertility clinic. Where they will take genetic samples from each of the parents. Then they will start growing the child. now depending on their place in this society and the amount of money they're willing to spend. Will get them access to different genetic modifications and abilities they could add to the child.

Warning in this society they do not accept the weak or disabled they have modified their genetics to take out the weaknesses as they would put it. If by chance someone has a child naturally or without the preview of their Taranova Government. They will most likely get rid of the child if the kid shows any signs of disabilities or weaknesses and punished the parents.

Growth Rate & Stages

They take about 26 years to fully mature. The infant stage goes all the way till three years of age. Then a child's years are to around 14. Then their adolescent years finish up until around 26

Ecology and Habitats

They come from the planet Tara which is most of water variety of land types, temperatures, and wildlife. They have learned to adapt and grow to their environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivores that required they well balance of meat and veggies depending on their genetics and location but unlike most human, they need more meat in their diet for the enhance muscle structure.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have the normal facial features mouth, nose, two eyes, and two round ears. The color of their eyes goes from gray, blue, green, Amber, yellow, brown, and a variety of shades in between. They can have the clinic pick the eye color they want their child to have but the farther away it is from the parent's genetic code the more money it will take.

Average Intelligence

All humans are able to learn and grow depending on their environment and willingness to learn. There's a society does have a strict upbringing and they will learn what they need to for the societal role

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the ability to hear, see, touch, taste, and smell these are their primary senses to understand the world around them.
  • They can hear between 20 Hz to 20k Hz
  • They can see wavelengths 380 to about 750 nanometers
  • They average sense of touch but have been able to modify their body to feel less
  • They average sense of taste
  • They average sense of smell
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average life is about 200 years
Average Height
Average height falls between 6.0 ft to 6.5 ft or whatever the parent wants or the government needs
Average Weight
They have an average weight of 160 to 190
Average Physique
Most Tarrain physique or athletically built for humans. they are required to trained and keep up with their physicals powers no matter what their lives are like.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin tones range from peach, olive, brown, to black are the main skin tones. Their hair colors are blonde, brown, red, and black. They can have the clinic pick the hair color they want their child to have but the farther away it is from the parent's genetic code the more money it will take.
Geographic Distribution


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