Species of the Cluster in Nebula Burning

Who Lives in the Cluster

There are seven high cognition species residing in the Orionis Cluster, although many are unaware of the existence of any of them beyond humans. Regular vanilla humans are the backbone species that makes up the bulk of the population, as they did before on Old Terra thanks to their dominance as a species and quick rate of adding new members. Most humans in the population are unaware that anything other than them exists...but some are aware.

The most otherwordly of the species in the Cluster are the Hellspawn (or demons, as they have been called). Although they are denizens of the Planes of Hell, which is outside of the normal plane of existence, their influence on the mortal plane is slowly growing stronger. Their interest in both affecting and touching the mortal plane is also growing.

Outside of these two, the other five species are classified as sub species of Humans by those who know of them. Despite not having large numbers, they are still present even when struggling to survive. While not all know about these other species, there are many serving in high offices of governments across the Cluster who are more than aware of them.

We Hide in Plain Sight

Mageborn are born with magic or Power. Capable of turning fire to ice or spinning silk into gold, they are powerful but can be easily swayed or controlled sometimes due to their being no organization to teach those born into power.

Vivi Funus are those who died but for some reason come back from the dead. A literal walking corpse with a hunger for flesh that can rage wildly if let out of control, no one knows what it is that draws them back from death other than they do not classify as a ghost.

Inanis Sanguis are affected by a Hell spawned curse. In bygone days, a Mageborn attempted to bind a Hellspawn...and spectacularly failed. The uncontrolled power of their magic combined with Hell spawned power to spin their blood into a curse.

Anima Maris are born with Power like Mageborn but it is latent, appearing at puberty in a striking form: a second skin mimicking a sea creature. Like the selkie of lore, they are most at home in the water no matter what skin they are wearing.

Luna Maledicta are affected by a magical curse. The product of a vengeful wife and an unfaithful husband, a Mageborn cursed the man to forever wear the skin of a beast. However, his bite spread the curse to others, infecting them with the beast curse.

Credits: Banner was created using Illustrator with stock photo by Clement Eastwood from Pexels. Animated article icons were created using Canva (credit for individual stock images used can be found on each article page).