Ilaan Geographic Location in Nebula Burning | World Anvil

Ilaan (Ill-an)

There is nothing on Ilaan but the manufacture and maintenance of HAEM

" While Ilaan is beautiful, the only thing folks care about on it is that we can still make machines of war.

- Sterling Bowdoin
  Much like Daant Arga and Tiforn before it, once Ilaan was settled, it slowly formed into a planet that was largely occupied by cities. Like Tiforn, however, it was not entirely a city planet and that is what also saved it as well instead of it collapsing. Before The Great Collapse happened, the primary focus on the planet was on machining the mechanical parts that continue to keep things running throughout the Orionis Cluster. Though there was a brief pause in these processes immediately following the Collapse, production was quickly renewed and delivery of parts was organized with the help of the Core Senate.   Ilaan was also the only planet that kept the capability to machine replacement parts for HAEMs as several database systems were the only ones to survive with the records holding details of the parts after the Collapse happened.  


While large swathes of Ilaan are covered by cities, it is not entirely a city. Forests, fields, and lakes were kept intact on the planet during it's first years and have remained by laws laid down by the government. These things were the only thing that allowed Ilaan to survive the Collapse and the planet retains all of these with an almost religious fervor.  

Flora & Fauna

Like most other planets with flora and fauna in the Alalus system, the animals and plants on the planet are descended from species from Earth. The forests are mostly made up of plants from the North and South American continent. Likewise, the animals are also from species that originated from those two continents.  

Natural Resources

Despite being a manufacturing hub, there are very little natural resources that come from the planet itself. Companies on Ilaan import in all of the supplies they need to continue production of HAEM parts in order to keep the machines that are left fully functional.  


Ilaan doesn't get a great deal of tourism as there isn't anything on the planet that is necessarily a tourist attraction. Although it does have beautiful forests that can be seen, the majority of the cities are focused on manufacturing of HAEM parts and are not set up with the businesses for a large tourist population.

Credits: Banner was created in Illustrator with images generated using Artbreeder. Planet art by Terion.





Primary Work


Day/Night Cycle

19 Bit-cycle




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