Oak Port Settlement in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Oak Port

"Say what you want about Port Viola, you know we have better wine and cheese!"
Jean-Paul Lavec-Mensurelle

Timberwelsh's Golden Port

Timberwelsh's biggest port on the Six Seas, Oak Port is a slow but consistent juggernaut of trade. While other ports have a varied and unpredictable roster of merchants, Oak Port has a consistent and loyal clientele who is able to provide the port with a strong and constant stream of revenue. Much of this trade comes in the form of luxury goods, though all facets of trading are covered, like in any large port. For goods of a certain make, potential buyers are forced to come here, providing the port with a much-needed flow of visitors.  

Eternally Second

Despite its success, Oak Port will forever be second to Port Viola. The citizens here are indignant towards their rival, claiming that the goods sold there are low quality. Oak Port has taken aggressive policies to try to outpace Port Viola but has thus far been unsuccessful. The mostly one-sided rivalry doesn't seem like it will end soon.
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