Baron's Bay Settlement in Nauvitalia | World Anvil
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Baron's Bay

"If you ever feel like you can't have ambitions under my command, remember you're always free to join the poor bastards in Baron's Bay. Care to volunteer? No? Didn't think so."
-Estella Fairford

Land of Upirites

The sole island officially owned by The Baronies of Upir, Baron's Bay has the heavy task of upholding the pride of the entire nation on the Six Seas. Those allowed to come here are meticulously selected from among the hardest workers and strongest moral characters, who serve as prime examples of what an ideal Upirite looks like. The island is technically under the jurisdiction of The Viscount, though he leaves it to the locals to handle themselves - they're supposed to be model citizens, so it should be fine, right?  

Island of Chained Ambitions

Most of the Upirites who end up going here are the kind that desperately want change, and to be free of the tiresome society of which they are a part. They sail here with starry eyes and hope in their hearts, which is soon quashed when they are met with an overcrowded and poorly managed village from which they have next to no opportunities to leave. The ambition dies within most Upirites who get here, replaces with survival instincts and a strong desire to get out.  

Ripe Pickings for Pirate Recruitment

With almost no way off the island, the Upirites will do nearly anything for a way out - and pirates are happy to provide that in return for services. The island does have a guard to repel pirates, but a sufficient bribe has never failed to make them look the other way. Perhaps because most of their citizens disappear to become pirates that Upir feels the need to keep the island overpopulated with a constant influx of immigrants. In the end, it only contributes to the problem.
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