Zad Semal Settlement in Naer-til | World Anvil
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Zad Semal

The Sanctuary

Sea-spray fills the air along the coast of the mighty Eld’Gammal. Small fishing vessels line the shores. Sand transitions into dirt. Likewise, boats transition into sun-bleached buildings. The architecture of Zad Semal is defined by its many shimmering steeples coated with gold and silver. In its bustling streets is a chorus of prayers to hundreds of deities. The heat of the summer mixed with the breeze of the ocean makes for a perfect temperature. The bells of the minarets clothe courtyards with melodic peals and tolls


Zad Semal is a city of prayers and tolls. Most of the population, as with the rest of the Empire, is Shelitan">Shelitan. But as a port city, people from all across the Eld'Gammal travel the streets. There are many Styrian refugees
Alternative Name(s)
The Sanctuary
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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