The Drizzlestream Inn Building / Landmark in Naer-til | World Anvil
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The Drizzlestream Inn

In the center of Tael, there's a brightly painted clay building that stands two stories tall. It's painted a dull blue color, though it's old enough that the paint is beginning to flake. The sign above the door reads "The Drizzlestream Inn: Relaxation at last." Inside, small aqueducts weave a stream of water all over the room, zigzagging about and providing water for every table.

Purpose / Function

This is an inn, but like many inns, it also serves as a tavern and meeting place for the town. It's perfect for someone who doesn't want to be heard because the artificial streams that run through the building are just loud enough to dampen soft conversations being held at other tables. Because of this, the Drizzlestream has become a place where people can be secretive without too much danger of being heard, so long as they speak quietly. Otherwise, it's also a popular destination for travelers who are going to or from the forest to the south. As the only proper inn in town, how could it not be? Best of all, this quaint little place is pretty affordable:
  • Common room with no windows: 4sp per night, or 1gp and 6sp for a halfweek.
  • Windowed room with aqueduct running through: 8sp per night, or 3gp and 2sp for a halfweek.


This building has always been an inn, but the aqueducts were added in later. Most likely to automate the process of giving people drinks, before it spiraled into a notable trademark in its own right. Once people started talking about the aqueducts in the inn, the owners at the time decided to rename it to Drizzlestream. No one even remembers its original name anymore. It's the aqueducts that put the inn on the map, and the owners are thankful for that.


The inn is a large clay building with two stories and lots of spider-thread covered windows. Its exterior is painted blue, but the interior remains the same reddish color of the clay. Throughout some of the rooms on the upper floor, and the entire common area on the lower floor is a small aqueduct that carries an artificial stream of water through the place, causing refreshing, misty air and the gentle sounds of a flowing creek.
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