Joorduunim Major Geographic Location in Na'Endreth | World Anvil

Joorduunim Major

  Joorduunim major is a large region that constitutes the northern portion of Joorduunim. The region is mostly a wild and temperate reflection of western Europe. The further one progresses North word the more regular the cold becomes, with the southern portions experiencing a well balanced mix of extreams.   The costal regions tend towards a more barren rocky geography with beautiful fjords, glaciers, and low growing vegetation. Within a wall of mountainous peeks the region transitions more towards an overgrown temperate forest seen mostly by the elves, and tieflings of that call it home. Joorduunim major is well attuned to the nature of the shadow fell and fey wild. As a result the land is in constant battle between law and chaos. Corruption and dark magic spread through the uncivilized territories paving the way for monstrosities to roam the land. Ultimately this region is that of your standard fantasy setting, with a slight tug in the Scandinavian direction.
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