Hydrogen-Boron Fusion Reactor Engine Technology / Science in myths of the other side | World Anvil
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Hydrogen-Boron Fusion Reactor Engine

Hydrogen-Boron Fusion Reactor Engine (HBFRE) was developed by FRE administration and UEF scientists in order to use CEMS at full potential. HBFRE class engines are know to be one of the world's engineering wonders. It is more efficient than OFRE class engines and has bigger energy output. It is a clean and environmentally friendly fusion reaction and doesn't produce any elements that are hard to work with. Hydrogen-Boron fusion produces also fewer neutrons compared to other fusion reactions, which minimizes radiation hazards and reduces the activation of spacecraft materials.


with Hydrogen-Boron Fusion Reactor Engine you can use CEMS tehcnology without worry as its energy output is a lot bigger than OFRE class engines. It was perfect motor to use in Alcubierre drive space ships as it didnt take so much space and gave energy output that was enough to start Alcubierre drive.

Social Impact

Hydrogen-Boron fusion produces fewer neutrons compared to other fusion reactions, which minimizes radiation hazards and reduces the activation of spacecraft materials.
Parent Technologies
UEF FRE administration
Access & Availability
Due its more compact form, it would be expected to be on almost every spaceships, but its price has been its biggest bottleneck for its growth. It really take off after Antimatter Rods  were starting to appear in the spaceships for use in Alcubierre drive.
Hydrogen-Boron fusion reactor engines are efficient and result in a compact and lightweight reactor design, allowing for easier integration and installation on spaceships.
Hydrogen-Boron Fusion Reactor Engine (HBFRE) was developed by FRE administration and UEF scientists in order to use CEMS at full potential.
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